Look at their facessssss what is this. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Excuse me while I bawl (yes still but it'll pass...lol maybe)
And here are the promo pics which were released after the episode aired, because obviously they are spoilery.

His TVD shirts need to be auctioned. And how cute is this pic??? D'AAAAAAW.....His hair omg.

Pffffff don't worry Carolinebear, you'll get over his death soon by the next episode which was EXTREMELY campy in a bad way OMFG...

D: DO NOT WANT. But he is lying on bed.......Dead maybe, but still sexy. goddammit.

THIS IS SO GONNA BE MY SAD/BAWLING/DEPRESSED GIF FROM NOW ON. Let's hope I won't need it too often. Well, I'll still regularly post it anyway lol.

Oh Bill, you may have some frakked up morals but you surely know how to give perfect huggages.

I remember this from something else...HMMMMMMMM.....Hair stroking omg. WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!11 AND HIS FACE. Closing his eyes and talking in a soft voice saying I love yous and all...dying.....

Okay, this moment kills me every goddamn time. HIS EYESSSSS. The way he looks at Liz omfg. WHY MUST THIS WHOLE SCENE BE SO SEXILY EMOTIONAL. I can not deal when he looks at people with puppy eyes and strokes their hairs and hugs them GAAAAH. I'M JEALOUS. But it was kind of sad (and insulting in a way) how he was all "PFFFFFF" about his partner, Steven.
His TVD shirts need to be auctioned. And how cute is this pic??? D'AAAAAAW.....His hair omg.
Pffffff don't worry Caroline
D: DO NOT WANT. But he is lying on bed.......Dead maybe, but still sexy. goddammit.
THIS IS SO GONNA BE MY SAD/BAWLING/DEPRESSED GIF FROM NOW ON. Let's hope I won't need it too often. Well, I'll still regularly post it anyway lol.
Oh Bill, you may have some frakked up morals but you surely know how to give perfect huggages.
I remember this from something else...HMMMMMMMM.....Hair stroking omg. WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!11 AND HIS FACE. Closing his eyes and talking in a soft voice saying I love yous and all...dying.....
Okay, this moment kills me every goddamn time. HIS EYESSSSS. The way he looks at Liz omfg. WHY MUST THIS WHOLE SCENE BE SO SEXILY EMOTIONAL. I can not deal when he looks at people with puppy eyes and strokes their hairs and hugs them GAAAAH. I'M JEALOUS. But it was kind of sad (and insulting in a way) how he was all "PFFFFFF" about his partner, Steven.
This is a Bill Forbes post
And it's that time of the year again where I use a particular screencap from Special Unit 2.

Sorry, couldn't help it. I WISH THEIR ISSUES WERE THIS SIMPLE! D: Btw, I <3 Jack Coleman for that. Also, for other things...It's a long list.

*sigh* This was going so well....They had to destroy everything! EVERYTHING! D: THEY COCKBLOCKED COW BELLES! D:
Also, I love these caps from TV.com:


LOLOLOL MY FEELINGSx2!!!! I love you Bill ForbesJack Coleman, this scene was amazing all around. I love you even though you were not treated nicely in the end.
Sorry, couldn't help it. I WISH THEIR ISSUES WERE THIS SIMPLE! D: Btw, I <3 Jack Coleman for that. Also, for other things...It's a long list.
*sigh* This was going so well....They had to destroy everything! EVERYTHING! D: THEY COCKBLOCKED COW BELLES! D:
Also, I love these caps from TV.com:
LOLOLOL MY FEELINGSx2!!!! I love you Bill Forbes
My first time using the LJ app
Here's what Mr Coleman sent to Wendi.

He's awesome. :D I think he should submit it to Failblog.
And she confirmed that we'll see more of him Office! Yaaaayyyy!!! :D
He's awesome. :D I think he should submit it to Failblog.
And she confirmed that we'll see more of him Office! Yaaaayyyy!!! :D
Friday, February 10, 2012
Ahhhhh...happy place! :D
Two behind the scenes pics from The Office!

How cute!!!!11 :D His expression is somewhat playful. :D UNF
( One more! )
And happy gifs! :D

( Ahahaha :D :D :D )
How cute!!!!11 :D His expression is somewhat playful. :D UNF
( One more! )
And happy gifs! :D
( Ahahaha :D :D :D )
- Warning: I'm biased. Because Jack Coleman is awesome. He was perfection in this episode too. So I'll bitch whenever I feel like he deserved better even when I'm still happily perving on his talents
- Okay, they killed Bill. I'm in tears. I realize I'm in tears mostly because I won't get to see more of Jack Coleman in this show I watch and which I find entertaining. I can't lie. He was devastatingly good as usual.
- I also realize, Bill, as a character, is not very lovable person, especially after how he acted throughout his episodes. More on that later. I know it's hard to root for him but this is all because Jack Coleman is a great actor. And this is why I rooted for Bill. Go figure. Plus, I really don't care about 'good' characters. They're always boring anyway.
- I have so much bitching to do. Well, I've been bitching since I saw the episode, mainly because "OMG THEY KILLED JACK COLEMAN'S CHARACTER. YOU BASTARDS!" and also because this character acted like a true suicidal mental patient. I refuse to believe Bill was making the right choice for him. All I know is: This is not the right choice for ME! D:
- Let's face it: Bill Forbes is a bigot for viewing everything in black or white terms. Saying he should be allowed to commit suicide because of these beliefs just feels....wrong. He just plain died in a way that suggested his beliefs were noble. He didn't care about Caroline, he didn't even care about "Steven".It was extremely sad that he only had this belief system in his life and nothing else. He didn't feel like he had even a single reason to cling on to life. he didn't care about his daughter, his family. Also, how is he going to protect Carolinebear if he's not around anymore?
- He rejected to become a vampire because he thought vampires were awful creatures. But also, he thought he would be able to "cure" Caroline
- How come his ex, Sheriff, and Mayor Lockwood would easily be accepting of monsters but a gay man wouldn't? I was one of the people who liked this "vampires as allegory for homosexuality" stuff. I was liking it because I thought they were going to use it in a good way where we would able to see juicy scenes between Caroline and her dad in the future episodes. I was sure we'd get a very interesting storyline out of this. I was hoping we'd watch him change his ways gradually or perhaps, he wouldn't. All I know is, watching him struggle would have been fun to watch. I think if they could do it all over, they might not have made him gay at all. Because at this point, this character being gay seemed like a random plot point. But then again, this is a show about supernatural beings and he is only a human, so I'm betting making him appear in 5 episodes was their plan all along. Not enough Jack Coleman, I tell you!
- Bill was so ready to kill Caroline if he felt it was necessary. In their goodbye scene (OMG IT SLAYED ME. D: Ugh, why is he so good... D:) Bill told Caroline she was stong, beautiful and she was exactly who her mother and Bill hoped she'd grow up to be. What changed his mind? He chose death not to become the very thing he despised so much. If he truly believed Caroline was still a good being, he should have changed his mind about vampires. At least a little. Was he afraid that he was going to be an evil one? Is that why he commited suicide? So, does this make it a cowardly act? And I'm sorry but it felt like, 'Caroline, I love you but I despise what you are, I'd rather die instead of being like you.' How is that going to make Caroline
- It will be really interesting to see the ways that Caroline changes after her father’s death. Well, I guess this was why they brought Bill to the show in the first place. They wanted to use him for her character growth. But could they have handled this whole storyline better? Certainly. I have to say, his convictions and beliefs made him weak and he was a sad man in the end.
- In summary, I bawled. Still bawling.
- Okay, for a second let's forget the fact there will be no more Jack Coleman on TVD. There were fun and cracky things like, that very slashy dinner party.
- Damon ships Stelenamon. He imagines a future of Stefan, Elena and him living together. Awesome.
- Bonnie and her mom. OMG still don't care. I can not believe Bonnie's mom is still alive while the sexy dad is gone for good. FU.
- Klaus had an unpleasent family reunion. His siblings were mean! D: But Mommy said she came back to forgive him. And this mommy didn't really impress me either. I don't know why.
- Damon is still my favorite character in this show. He's too fun to watch.
- Wow, I don't think you'll ever see me doing 'this' again. You know what I mean. Note to self: Do not invest in a character this much. Especially if he's a recurring one. ARGH.
( LOL coherency. What does it mean? )
Sunday, February 5, 2012
The Sexually Ambiguous State Senator Is Back!
- Jack Coleman aka State Senator Robert Lipton quote of the episode:
(About Oscar's gift)
Robert Lipton: "Well, if it's anything like that gorgeous wrapping paper, you hit it out of the park."
The hand gesture and Oscar's expression make this scene +A.
- Oscar summarizes the situation so well:
Oscar: "This baby is clearly not premature. They're lying about the date it was conceived. It's very interesting. And her husband's gay. I don't even know which thread to follow."
Unrelated, I want Oscar/Robert. Robcar?
- So....WOOOHOOOO!!! The sexually ambiguous senator is back! :D
- He's sexier than ever!!!
- OMG this episode is fun, can't lie.
- Mr Coleman should be banned from holding babies. JUST SAYING. I can't deal with the cuteness.
- Grrrrrr. FU Dwight.
- It's official: The sexually ambiguous senator is afraid of boobies.
- The Senator "wasn't fulfilling" Angela? I think I know what this means...LIES.
- I still looove Oscar. He's all sorts of awesome imo. HE'S THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE SEXUALLY AMBIGUOUS SENATOR.
- HIS FACE IN EVERY SCENE. I will lick it. He is so cute in every second of the episode.
- I really don't have anything else to say or do except perving on each and every screencap.
( Babies are cute when they are held by.... )
While waiting for the inevitable,

(aka Bill Forbes getting his throat cut, also, stabbed on his stomach)
Now, I'm patiently waiting for TVD...

Unfortunately, I'm not THAT sexy when I'm relaxing on bed...
(aka Bill Forbes getting his throat cut, also, stabbed on his stomach)
Now, I'm patiently waiting for TVD...
Unfortunately, I'm not THAT sexy when I'm relaxing on bed...
Question: If you give me some
Vampire Diaries scoop, I’ll send Courteney Cox back through time to do
your make-up and sculpt your lashes again. —Juan
Ausiello: Deal. On Diaries, a recurring male character’s days are numbered.

D: D: D:
Source: TVLine
I will hate you forever, dudes. *kicks*
My other feelings are:
( Feelings and some other things )
Ausiello: Deal. On Diaries, a recurring male character’s days are numbered.
D: D: D:
Source: TVLine
I will hate you forever, dudes. *kicks*
My other feelings are:
( Feelings and some other things )
My birthday. I have mixed emotions OMG.
Jack Coleman will be in two shows which will air on my birthday which is
never been this sexy. WHAT ARE THE ODDS, I ASK YOU AGAIN!!! This could
have been a great birthday present for me but...Oh yes, there is a
Shirtlessness? That's what any middle aged gay man would do. Or fangirls.
la_dame_du_lac has been screencapping Dynasty and she sent me a screencap of a photo appearing in Dynasty:
....And now it's time for UNFFFFFFFFFFF.
Oh yes, Jack Coleman scenes from the latest TVD episode...Ugh, let's hope this one won't get deleted...
....And now it's time for UNFFFFFFFFFFF.
Oh yes, Jack Coleman scenes from the latest TVD episode...Ugh, let's hope this one won't get deleted...
Writer's Block: Opposite Day
Who or what is your opposite?
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View 379 Answers
Ohhhhhhh yes...The sexy original promo pic from the next episode which will air on Feb 2nd is here. Also, his shirts...<3 He's like Batman.
The Vampire Diaries! Once Again!! Daddy is back!!!
I'm totally all over the place in this post and I DON'T REGRET ANYTHING.
- Bill Forbes quote of the episode:
“Your bond to Klaus is putting my daughter in danger. Either you turn or I kill you right here right now.” UNFGH. Badassery.
- YAAAAAAY he's back!!! Without the excessive make up!
- I was hoping he'd bring his partner/boyfriend to the town...
- Tyler and Bill teams up to ruin Caroline's day! :D She needs more emotional scarring in her life! :D
- Bill: "I'm going to try."
Caroline: "Why?"
Bill: "Because he made a mistake. And now he wants to make good. And I understand that."
So is Bill saying he made a mistake when he tortured Caroline? LIES. We all know why he's back.
- It's interesting that Tyler didn't hesitate to trust Mr Forbes. He wasn't worried that Mr Forbes could actually try to kill him!
- Alaric's new lady friend doc ? Don't care. Unless she is into to bondage too.
- Still don't really care about Bonnie. And we all know she's not into bondage.
- On compulsion:
Bill: "It took decades to train myself to resist compulsion. The brain's like a muscle. The more you use it, the more it can do. A sire bond, at its core, is about one thing...Gratitude."
The way he describes these things..so sexy.
And this made me wonder: How did he practice? Did vampire hater Bill have a vampire buddy? WAS THIS VAMPIRE BUDDY ALSO HIS BOYFRIEND???? Too many questions, not enough perviness.
- OMG I love Mr Coleman's TVD shirts....Or shirt...He seems to wear very similar ones...
- Tyler bondage >>>>>> Elena bondage.
- Jack Coleman covered with blood? Still sexy. AND HIS NIPPLE OMFG: I SAW IT.....I think.
- LOL I love that all the crazy and bad things happening in between, Elena decided to tell Stephan that she kissed Damon.
- Damon's blood in Bill. One word: UNFGH. Okay, I change my mind, I like that doc.
- Also, LOLOLOL blood. HRG anyone? So does this mean Damon is Clairebear to Bill? I get so proud of myself when I notice this kind of stuff. *is proud*
- LOL this is what
- Tyler: "You're better."
Bill: "Yeah. I shouldn't be, but I didn't have any say in the matter."
Ohhh so he knows he didn't die because of some vampire blood? Why did the doc tell him that? How come the whole hospital (docs, nurses etc) doesn't know she is always using vampire blood to heal her patients? How does she manage to keep what she's doing as a secret? It seemed like good timing more than anything. Is she plotting something? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? So many questions, but none of this matters because...OMG HE'S OKAY! :D
- How was Mr. Forbes found in the woods? I doubt many people hang out in the wood in the middle of the night. How did wolfboy!Tyler leave him alive? If Tyler was the one who called an ambulance, how come he didn't call Caroline so she could feed her dad blood? THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO SEXY, DAMMIT.
- How can anyone not ship Alaric/Elena?
- Speaking of Bill Forbes: OMG he is still an arrogant bastard who lurrrves his daughter but also, so sexy. SO SEXY.
( Screencaps...many many of them.... )
TVD icons! :D And a poll! D:
Ahhhh I finally made many many icons from three TVD episodes Mr Coleman was in! :D It was a long but entertaining process UNFGH.
Total Icon Count: 45

( Icons and Poll Here! )
SO EXCITED FOR TONIGHT'S EPISODE! :D :D :D But also....I am worried as always ARGH.
Total Icon Count: 45
( Icons and Poll Here! )
SO EXCITED FOR TONIGHT'S EPISODE! :D :D :D But also....I am worried as always ARGH.
Writer's Block: First Amendment...and SPOILERSSSS! :D
Why is freedom of speech important to you?
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View 460 Answers
Because of things like this:
...don't judge me, I'm a simple person with simple needs...
...Okay, let's talk about more entertaining things...like.....OMG a Michael Trevino aka shirtless half naked hot hybrid interview! :D :D :D
AAAAAHHHH... :D :D :D I think I'll have a poll on daddy's fate tomorrow...
YAAAAAY! :D The Senator is back! :D
And the first episode (hopefully there'll be more) will be airing on my birthday!
:D :D :D
...Meanwhile, Angela and the senator (guest star Jack Coleman) welcome their new baby.
I'd like to celebrate this awesome news with this; "Bill Forbes is a fan of hot young hybrid male bondage and spanking" gif:

Pfff, his daughter....He's totally using Carolinebear
as an excuse. We know why you're back, Mr Forbes. TV shows are more fun
in my head. I NEED THIS SCENE AS A GETGLUE STICKER. Well, I guess I'll
be making it myself.
You know what, if this character wasn't gay, maybe I wouldn't have reacted to this scene the way I do now....lol maybe?
Also, as thegurlfromoz81 reminded me, I would have no objections if this happened:
Jack Coleman: "I was on HOUSE, I was on THE MENTALIST, and I’m doing sort of a recurring [character] on THE OFFICE. [On THE OFFICE], I was Angela’s boyfriend and now a state senator who may or may not be gay. I’m just hoping it’s going to be one of those “Guy gets arrested in an airport bathroom” kind of things. If we’re going to make him a state senator with a secret, let’s make it a big dirty secret."
I will love him forever just because of that. Naaah, not gonna happen because that would be too awesome. Will more bitching work,
sarena2s? Shhhh, let's not jinx it.
:D :D :D
And the first episode (hopefully there'll be more) will be airing on my birthday!
:D :D :D
...Meanwhile, Angela and the senator (guest star Jack Coleman) welcome their new baby.
I'd like to celebrate this awesome news with this; "Bill Forbes is a fan of hot young hybrid male bondage and spanking" gif:
Pfff, his daughter....He's totally using Caroline
You know what, if this character wasn't gay, maybe I wouldn't have reacted to this scene the way I do now....lol maybe?
Also, as thegurlfromoz81 reminded me, I would have no objections if this happened:
Jack Coleman: "I was on HOUSE, I was on THE MENTALIST, and I’m doing sort of a recurring [character] on THE OFFICE. [On THE OFFICE], I was Angela’s boyfriend and now a state senator who may or may not be gay. I’m just hoping it’s going to be one of those “Guy gets arrested in an airport bathroom” kind of things. If we’re going to make him a state senator with a secret, let’s make it a big dirty secret."
I will love him forever just because of that. Naaah, not gonna happen because that would be too awesome. Will more bitching work,
:D :D :D
Wow.....So Jack Coleman is back?
So...we have a promo for next week's The Vampire Diaries episode and...I see a half naked Tyler in chains...and... I think Bill Forbes is spanking him or something...This must be heaven...I just...can't...ARGH. Bondage...I already talked about it, here. My exact words:
And not only that, I made this awfully creepy manip months ago:
Okay, now I will continue to devour this promo and have happy thoughts until next week's episode...
Oh, also, he looks all kinds of sexy and hot in it, I want to cry.
My day was less than stellar and then I read a Kevin Williamson interview:
IGN: Anything you can say about what's coming up with her ?
Williamson: Well, there's more of her and Tyler and how she sort of gets in the middle of the whole hybrid, Mystic Falls takeover. Her mother is the sheriff, her father is a council member and he's a vampire hater. So I think there's still some father/daughter stuff to tell. And now that Tyler is a hybrid, it'll be really interesting to see that unfold.
IGN: Can I take your mention of Caroline's father to mean Jack Coleman will be appearing again?
Williamson: I think he may appear again.

Phew.....Here, have something I made ages ago!
( Where is the sexy? )
I really can't remember "why", but I bet I had a good reason...
IGN: Anything you can say about what's coming up with her ?
Williamson: Well, there's more of her and Tyler and how she sort of gets in the middle of the whole hybrid, Mystic Falls takeover. Her mother is the sheriff, her father is a council member and he's a vampire hater. So I think there's still some father/daughter stuff to tell. And now that Tyler is a hybrid, it'll be really interesting to see that unfold.
IGN: Can I take your mention of Caroline's father to mean Jack Coleman will be appearing again?
Williamson: I think he may appear again.
Phew.....Here, have something I made ages ago!
( Where is the sexy? )
I really can't remember "why", but I bet I had a good reason...
The Internet can be a fun place to explore
I was exploring the internet for fun things such as Jack Coleman, Jack
Coleman and Jack Coleman, and I started to read the comments on the Bill Forbes' Wikia page .
(That "I HATE YOU" comment may or may not belong to me)
This comment caught my attention, because it's awesome:
"...and I don't like Carolines dad. He sucks! No matter what Caroline is, its not gonna change the truth that he's his daughter! He should love her no matter what.. Maybe she hates her because she reminds him of the sex moments with Liz. But, that's crazy! Its not Caroline s fault that she became a Vampire. And she doesn't hurt anyone! So, I guess, Bill Forbes shouldn't appear in this show. Or he should die..."

You know, I'm really not the brightest person when it comes to such things, but I'm guessing Bill Forbes was like: "I didn't know that my wife would expect me to have sex with her! Apparently marriage doesn't make any sense! It felt like rape! And now we have a daughter. I must torture her, because OMG the sex moments I had to go through over and over again...Caroline is the product of an evil act! And somebody must pay!"
Also, the homophobic wank is a must-read. Okay, I admit, there are "really" many nice comments on there too. (Nice comments=The ones I approve). In summary, I hadn't had this much fun since the "Lauren looks like future Claire" thread on 9th Wonders boards. Ahhhhhh, good times.
This totally calls for something I made:
(That "I HATE YOU" comment may or may not belong to me)
This comment caught my attention, because it's awesome:
"...and I don't like Carolines dad. He sucks! No matter what Caroline is, its not gonna change the truth that he's his daughter! He should love her no matter what.. Maybe she hates her because she reminds him of the sex moments with Liz. But, that's crazy! Its not Caroline s fault that she became a Vampire. And she doesn't hurt anyone! So, I guess, Bill Forbes shouldn't appear in this show. Or he should die..."
You know, I'm really not the brightest person when it comes to such things, but I'm guessing Bill Forbes was like: "I didn't know that my wife would expect me to have sex with her! Apparently marriage doesn't make any sense! It felt like rape! And now we have a daughter. I must torture her, because OMG the sex moments I had to go through over and over again...Caroline is the product of an evil act! And somebody must pay!"
Also, the homophobic wank is a must-read. Okay, I admit, there are "really" many nice comments on there too. (Nice comments=The ones I approve). In summary, I hadn't had this much fun since the "Lauren looks like future Claire" thread on 9th Wonders boards. Ahhhhhh, good times.
This totally calls for something I made:
I found these Criminal Minds promo pics recently! YAY me! :D

Cell phone and gun...You can't get any more badass than this. Also, shirt. UNFG.
Click here for the rest
Cell phone and gun...You can't get any more badass than this. Also, shirt. UNFG.
Click here for the rest
Talk about being appropriate.
So I'm basically trying to create a tradition of posting a Noaire entry
(at least a Heroes one) on January 1 every year. Well, I did that last
year, so here I go again! :D
"Pleasure" does not necessaily mean happinessperviness, but most of the time, it does. This is actually me trying to celebrate one of my all time fav couples OTPs. Choosing the top ten moments was
hard, treacherous work because I realized they really shared a good
amount of screen time and these moments were all pretty much....unf. I
have a feeling I'll have different kinds of top five-ten Noaire moments
in the future. We shall see. Anyways, here's my list (totally not in any kind of order) :

Clairebear's getting a new teddy bear! :D A strawberry teddy bear! I love strawberries! Off the cuteness chart! :D It's amazing how this scene starts with a creepy moment (HRG watches Clairebear totally in a creepydisturbingly sexy
way as she practises her awesome cheerleading moves in front of a
mirror) and then turns into one of the cutest moments in Heroes. I guess
this is what Noaire is about. I also love how they analyze the teddy
bear....And the "D'awwwww" sound HRG makes....Bah......I want to squish
things. Preferably a teddy bear! UNF.
Click here for the rest
"Pleasure" does not necessaily mean happiness
Clairebear's getting a new teddy bear! :D A strawberry teddy bear! I love strawberries! Off the cuteness chart! :D It's amazing how this scene starts with a creepy moment (HRG watches Clairebear totally in a creepy
Click here for the rest
claire bennet,
jack coleman,
new year,
noah bennet,
tv: heroes,
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