I'm totally all over the place in this post and I DON'T REGRET ANYTHING.
- Bill Forbes quote of the episode:
“Your bond to Klaus is putting my daughter in danger. Either you turn or I kill you right here right now.” UNFGH. Badassery.
- YAAAAAAY he's back!!! Without the excessive make up!
- I was hoping he'd bring his partner/boyfriend to the town...
- Tyler and Bill teams up to ruin Caroline's day! :D She needs more emotional scarring in her life! :D
- Bill: "I'm going to try."
Caroline: "Why?"
Bill: "Because he made a mistake. And now he wants to make good. And I understand that."
So is Bill saying he made a mistake when he tortured Caroline? LIES. We all know why he's back.
- It's interesting that Tyler didn't hesitate to trust Mr Forbes. He wasn't worried that Mr Forbes could actually try to kill him!
- Alaric's new lady friend doc ? Don't care. Unless she is into to bondage too.
- Still don't really care about Bonnie. And we all know she's not into bondage.
- On compulsion:
Bill: "It took decades to train myself to resist compulsion. The brain's like a muscle. The more you use it, the more it can do. A sire bond, at its core, is about one thing...Gratitude."
The way he describes these things..so sexy.
And this made me wonder: How did he practice? Did vampire hater Bill have a vampire buddy? WAS THIS VAMPIRE BUDDY ALSO HIS BOYFRIEND???? Too many questions, not enough perviness.
- OMG I love Mr Coleman's TVD shirts....Or shirt...He seems to wear very similar ones...
- Tyler bondage >>>>>> Elena bondage.
- Jack Coleman covered with blood? Still sexy. AND HIS NIPPLE OMFG: I SAW IT.....I think.
- LOL I love that all the crazy and bad things happening in between, Elena decided to tell Stephan that she kissed Damon.
- Damon's blood in Bill. One word: UNFGH. Okay, I change my mind, I like that doc.
- Also, LOLOLOL blood. HRG anyone? So does this mean Damon is Clairebear to Bill? I get so proud of myself when I notice this kind of stuff. *is proud*
- LOL this is what
- Tyler: "You're better."
Bill: "Yeah. I shouldn't be, but I didn't have any say in the matter."
Ohhh so he knows he didn't die because of some vampire blood? Why did the doc tell him that? How come the whole hospital (docs, nurses etc) doesn't know she is always using vampire blood to heal her patients? How does she manage to keep what she's doing as a secret? It seemed like good timing more than anything. Is she plotting something? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? So many questions, but none of this matters because...OMG HE'S OKAY! :D
- How was Mr. Forbes found in the woods? I doubt many people hang out in the wood in the middle of the night. How did wolfboy!Tyler leave him alive? If Tyler was the one who called an ambulance, how come he didn't call Caroline so she could feed her dad blood? THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO SEXY, DAMMIT.
- How can anyone not ship Alaric/Elena?
- Speaking of Bill Forbes: OMG he is still an arrogant bastard who lurrrves his daughter but also, so sexy. SO SEXY.
( Screencaps...many many of them.... )
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