Sunday, July 24, 2011

So...more gifs...

This is always going to be one of my favorite episodes even though I was like "NUUUUUUUUU!!!!"" and "YAAAAAY!!!" the whole time I was watching it. Because, you know, he was being a very sexy badass meanie but also, we never really saw him killing a man before, (did we? Well, he tried, but..he was kinda crying..), so I said: "That's it. He's totally going to diiiiiiieeeee this season!!!!" But luckily, Clairebear's blood saved him. Yes, that was quite sexy...I'll discuss it thoroughly on another entry. Oh yes, you know I will...


Ugh.  He's so badass, he knows many different ways to use his gun.


He doesn't even have to talk....A simple head tilt is more than enough to make me melt. But this is so wrong...because he is about to kill a man and I should not be thinking that he is being sexy...Ugh, but I can't help it...Also,  why did he want the Haitian out of the room?


D: D: D:

That was my face when I first watched this scene. And 5 seconds later, I was like:

Also, HRG leaving his fingerprints all over the place? LOL that means he killed the poor guy for nothing?

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