Los 6 papás más badass del cine y la tv
In English:
4 - Noah Bennet - Heroes
If there is a character who relies solely on being a parent is this. His whole rationale was to appear in Heroes is father of a mutant. Starts as a villain in the series (hunting mutants) and in fact at first seems rather to watch his daughter instead of being a loving father. But as the series progresses we see who really loves his daughter and all that stuff to hunt mutants do to protect it.
Noah Bennet is a great father who loves his family and is willing to do anything to protect her, the irony is that his family does not see it (especially his daughter Claire) and is constantly attacked and abandoned by his own family who do not understand the world we live. Noah loses everything, he is forced to divorce Claire and hundreds of times longer speak, but that makes it a great father, no matter how often his family refuses, he is still there protecting them.
A Noah does not care how impressive it is ungrateful and foolish Claire, who goes from hate to love him more times than a prostitute sucking a member in one night two weeks, still is there for her and protect her, trying to make her understand the world is not ready to accept the mutants. And of course, Obey and Claire never ends always getting into trouble, causing Noah die even once (though not last long dead, and even why Claire was angry).
...Divorcing Clairebear? More importantly, Clairebear going from hate to love Noah more times than a prostitute sucking a member in one night two weeks?...what. Is this my dream show or what.
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