Oh yes, I have all the main Heroes figures, plus a sweeeet Phasing Claude one.
In order of awesomeness:
1- HRG (OMG it's really like a mini Jack! Facial bumps an all!)
2- Momo (Very cool. I also have special love for the Momo!purse)
3- Linderman and Hiro.
Peter's not bad and I don't hate the others too, but Niki is bad LOL. I have to say Clairebear is not too good either. Eh, I guess they were trying to make it NOT look like Hayden.
I am very sad that we don't have Nathan and The Haitian. SO SAD.
Okay, this was a useless post but hey, I love action figures! You know why!
...Aaaaand, I have a mini Rock The House review on Zachary Quinto's Biceps. In case you're interested, here it is!:
Jack Coleman Rocks Out In Hallmark TV Movie
Ugh, I watched the movie twice...ish (I was at a wedding when it aired again! D:) and I am still looking for it, if you know what I mean. NO LUCK SO FAR. D:
I think I'll be posting HRG gifs in a few days. It's been too long since I did that.
...In other news, I don't usually talk about the shows I watch but hey, there is a first for everything!
I've been watching Doctor Who and enjoying it a lot! Right now, I'm watching the second season. Also Psych, this show never fails to make me smile and I sometimes laugh out loud. So, it's good. Falling Skies? OMG I hated the first two episodes and decided not to watch the third one. Snoozefest. I'm sorry if you're liking it. DON'T HATE ME! D: How come a show about an alien invasion can be this boring? I have no clue. I don't know, maybe it's just me. Trueblood! The new season! I liked it! I can't wait to watch the next episode! Mad Men? Always awesome. Wilfred? A quirky new show and I think I like it. I also started to watch Modern Family and I think I am already loving it a lot. Of course, there is White Collar and OMG, the awesome Game Of Thrones. AWESOME...and pervy. I've been watching (kinda) other shows too, but this is enough for one post, lol.
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