Saturday, September 29, 2012

Castle!!!! The first Jack Coleman episode!

William H Bracken aka the other sexy Senator:

"See, here's what you don't understand, it's not who has the gun, it's who has the power."

UNFGH. That is totally the quote of the episode because UNFGH.

...but...what about HRG? He had big guns and lots of power...also Clairebear...And speaking of which, did you know that Heroes began on NBC September 25, 2006? YES, TODAY! *sniff*


- OMFG I am not even going to talk about how sexy he was...Okay I lied, I will. Not only I'd vote for him, I'd also help him to get away with murders haha. I feel like my morality is decaying after every Jack Coleman episode. Wait until I post the Criminal Minds entry. IT'S HIS FAULT.

- I'm also really not going to talk about the plotline because you know, I'm not here because of that. :P Just know that Beckett has been looking for her mom's murderer since forever and guess what: JACK COLEMAN. Well, okay I changed my mind. I thought the story was....interesting. Dirty cops were getting ransom money from bad guys and the sexy Senator Bracken caught on and wanted in on the take...And now the sexy Senator is getting ready for bigger career stuff like wanting to be a president and obviously his not-so-sexy past is....not-so-sexy for his career. Oh well. He kills people left and right to keep his dirrrty secret hidden and apparently, Beckett's mom is one of them. PHEW. What a crazy storyline. No wonder they hired Mr Coleman for the part because they obviously needed a good actor LOL.

- He just rocked his scenes. I don't want to say the same thing over and over again oh yes I do because I always hate that he is underrated but he's always such a good actor omfg. If you want a glimpse of what other people thought about his acting in this episode, just have a look at this Twitter feed. Also, read tons of recaps and reviews where people said awesome things about him.

- So....wasn't it weird that The Senator kind of admitted to his crimes very easily? I mean I expected a; "Nooooo, you're crazy!" Okay, he said that Beckett was delusional but I thought it would have been better if he acted less creepy LOL....He was like; "Awww sorry for mommy. I didn't mean it!" WE DON'T DO THAT AFTER WE MURDER PEOPLE, DUDE. Always deny! Just say: "I was set up! D:"

- I really wasn't expecting that we'd know he was the bad guy this soon. I see that people agree with me.  So now there is no room for twists and surprises! He's the bad guy and Beckett will try to get him...Grrrr.

- Hmmm creepy!Jack....not that there is anything wrong with creepy!Jack.... You know what, in fact creepy!Jack is one the sexiest things in the world!

- THOSE CLOSE-UPS OMFG. God bless HQ. Seriously, how sexy and cute and fappable was he?

- So he was basically like HRG. Ethically challenged. But I guess this guy was a bit worse than HRG LOL. Perhaps it's because he didn't have a....Clairebear? Maybe he does????!

- It's always a good idea to antagonize sad and angry people who point a gun at you. ALWAYS.

- After Beckett pistol-whipped The Senator:

"That's gonna leave a nasty scar. Every time you see it, think of me."

- He was sexy and cute and fappable even after Stana pistol-whipped him....that scar....blood..UNFGH.I wonder if he will have a scar next time he's on. THEY BETTER MAKE SURE HE HAS ONE....I think. I'm pretty sure I'll find him even hotter with the scar. NICE TRY, STANA.

- Also, read this interview where Castle boss talks about Jack Coleman's character!

This part is important for Jack Coleman fans imo:

You promised to solve Beckett's mother's murder once and for all this season, but we didn't think it'd be so soon! Is Sen. Bracken really as far as this thing goes?

Andrew W. Marlowe: That mystery is over. We know all the answers we need to know. Now the question is: How is Beckett going to live with it? We have Sen. Bracken out in the universe. Are their paths going to cross again? And when? We know that Beckett still wants justice, but she can't get it right now. But at least she knows whom she needs to bring to justice. We feel like we've closed one chapter and opened another. What we see at the end of "After the Storm" is a Beckett who's grown. I think if it had been earlier in our run, we would have seen a much more vengeful Beckett. But she walks into a situation and ultimately makes the right choice for her and for all the people around her. She's going to get this guy the right way.

OMFG. Ugh I just hope we don't have to wait until the middle of the season or something...UGH I don't like it when people try to "get" him...Is he going to die again? D: Or go to prison? ...which reminds me of those sexy prison movies...So maybe this won't be THAT bad...Hmmmm...

Screencaps! )

Unexpected brief sexiness!!!!!!

I totally had no idea that Jack Coleman was (kinda) in last night's season premiere episode of The Office until ricestorm told me! How could I dare to miss this! D: He didn't even speak, he basically appeared in a video on Angela's PC! He was fondling a cat! :D :D :D

- Angela wants to give away the cat because the baby is allergic!

- OMG the baby is not Dwight's! IN YOUR FACE, people who want the baby to be Dwight's! OMG so this means State Senator Robert Lipton is the daddy? :D Lucky baby! :D

- Jack Coleman is fondling a cat, grinning while Eternal Flame playing on the background. The most perfect video of all time...OF ALL TIME!

- This convo omfg:

Angela: "Oscar. Oscar. Will you take him?"
Oscar:  "No, I'm a dog person."
Angela: "If you pray enough, you can change yourself into a cat person."
Oscar: "Those guys always turn back, Angela."

LOLOL nice...OMG Oscar agrees to take the cat even though he's a dog person...Because:

Angela: "He's broken up about it. It's the only time I've seen him cry other than our wedding night. "

LOLOLOLOL d'awwwwwwww....

- Oscar calls up Angela's sexy husband and says that when he comes over tonight he will get to play with his favorite cat....OMG THEY HAVE BEEN HAVING SEX ALL SUMMER. *faints*

- In summary: Penguins, dogs, cats...Give him any animal and watch the sexiness unfold!

Is he wearing the same outfit from his first ever episode of The Office? Like two seasons ago???

Happily surprised! :D )

Ahhhhh sleazy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Castle!!!! The first Jack Coleman episode!

candid - The Monte Carlo sofa
William H Bracken aka the other sexy Senator:

"See, here's what you don't understand, it's not who has the gun, it's who has the power."

UNFGH. That is totally the quote of the episode because UNFGH.

...but...what about HRG? He had big guns and lots of power...also Clairebear...And speaking of which, did you know that Heroes began on NBC September 25, 2006? YES, TODAY! *sniff*


- OMFG I am not even going to talk about how sexy he was...Okay I lied, I will. Not only I'd vote for him, I'd also help him to get away with murders haha. I feel like my morality is decaying after every Jack Coleman episode. Wait until I post the Criminal Minds entry. IT'S HIS FAULT.

- I'm also really not going to talk about the plotline because you know, I'm not here because of that. :P Just know that Beckett has been looking for her mom's murderer since forever and guess what: JACK COLEMAN. Well, okay I changed my mind. I thought the story was....interesting. Dirty cops were getting ransom money from bad guys and the sexy Senator Bracken caught on and wanted in on the take...And now the sexy Senator is getting ready for bigger career stuff like wanting to be a president and obviously his not-so-sexy past is....not-so-sexy for his career. Oh well. He kills people left and right to keep his dirrrty secret hidden and apparently, Beckett's mom is one of them. PHEW. What a crazy storyline. No wonder they hired Mr Coleman for the part because they obviously needed a good actor LOL.

- He just rocked his scenes. I don't want to say the same thing over and over again oh yes I do because I always hate that he is underrated but he's always such a good actor omfg. If you want a glimpse of what other people thought about his acting in this episode, just have a look at this Twitter feed. Also, read tons of recaps and reviews where people said awesome things about him.

- So....wasn't it weird that The Senator kind of admitted to his crimes very easily? I mean I expected a; "Nooooo, you're crazy!" Okay, he said that Beckett was delusional but I thought it would have been better if he acted less creepy LOL....He was like; "Awww sorry for mommy. I didn't mean it!" WE DON'T DO THAT AFTER WE MURDER PEOPLE, DUDE. Always deny! Just say: "I was set up! D:"

- I really wasn't expecting that we'd know he was the bad guy this soon. I see that people agree with me.  So now there is no room for twists and surprises! He's the bad guy and Beckett will try to get him...Grrrr.

- Hmmm creepy!Jack....not that there is anything wrong with creepy!Jack.... You know what, in fact creepy!Jack is one the sexiest things in the world!

- THOSE CLOSE-UPS OMFG. God bless HQ. Seriously, how sexy and cute and fappable was he?

- So he was basically like HRG. Ethically challenged. But I guess this guy was a bit worse than HRG LOL. Perhaps it's because he didn't have a....Clairebear? Maybe he does????!

- It's always a good idea to antagonize sad and angry people who point a gun at you. ALWAYS.

- After Beckett pistol-whipped The Senator:

"That's gonna leave a nasty scar. Every time you see it, think of me."

- He was sexy and cute and fappable even after Stana pistol-whipped him....that scar....blood..UNFGH.I wonder if he will have a scar next time he's on. THEY BETTER MAKE SURE HE HAS ONE....I think. I'm pretty sure I'll find him even hotter with the scar. NICE TRY, STANA.

- Also, read this interview where Castle boss talks about Jack Coleman's character!

This part is important for Jack Coleman fans imo:

You promised to solve Beckett's mother's murder once and for all this season, but we didn't think it'd be so soon! Is Sen. Bracken really as far as this thing goes?

Andrew W. Marlowe: That mystery is over. We know all the answers we need to know. Now the question is: How is Beckett going to live with it? We have Sen. Bracken out in the universe. Are their paths going to cross again? And when? We know that Beckett still wants justice, but she can't get it right now. But at least she knows whom she needs to bring to justice. We feel like we've closed one chapter and opened another. What we see at the end of "After the Storm" is a Beckett who's grown. I think if it had been earlier in our run, we would have seen a much more vengeful Beckett. But she walks into a situation and ultimately makes the right choice for her and for all the people around her. She's going to get this guy the right way.

OMFG. Ugh I just hope we don't have to wait until the middle of the season or something...UGH I don't like it when people try to "get" him...Is he going to die again? D: Or go to prison? ...which reminds me of those sexy prison movies...So maybe this won't be THAT bad...Hmmmm...

Screencaps! )

Jack Coleman! Castle! Tonight!

candid - Jack/Ashley
Castle Season 5 premieres tonight! You know why I care! Jack Coleman will be in the episode with his usual charm and sexiness! Let's hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship...I know there will never be enough of Jack Coleman but eh....I feel like this is going to be good....Also, according to showrunners, there will be more of him throughout the season...We'll see....Don't make me spam every website, you people... *is excitedddd*

The poster! )

I don't know if I posted this before, but I am doing it in case because this is one of the worst photoshopped promo pics of all time and I thought I make it look a bit better...Yes, even worst than some of those Rock The House stills... *shakes fist*

Btw omg you know these episode stills from tonight's episode:

Clickkkk )

Unexpected brief sexiness!!!!!!

The Office - no more boobs
I totally had no idea that Jack Coleman was (kinda) in last night's season premiere episode of The Office until ricestorm told me! How could I dare to miss this! D: He didn't even speak, he basically appeared in a video on Angela's PC! He was fondling a cat! :D :D :D

- Angela wants to give away the cat because the baby is allergic!

- OMG the baby is not Dwight's! IN YOUR FACE, people who want the baby to be Dwight's! OMG so this means State Senator Robert Lipton is the daddy? :D Lucky baby! :D

- Jack Coleman is fondling a cat, grinning while Eternal Flame playing on the background. The most perfect video of all time...OF ALL TIME!

- This convo omfg:

Angela: "Oscar. Oscar. Will you take him?"
Oscar:  "No, I'm a dog person."
Angela: "If you pray enough, you can change yourself into a cat person."
Oscar: "Those guys always turn back, Angela."

LOLOL nice...OMG Oscar agrees to take the cat even though he's a dog person...Because:

Angela: "He's broken up about it. It's the only time I've seen him cry other than our wedding night. "

LOLOLOLOL d'awwwwwwww....

- Oscar calls up Angela's sexy husband and says that when he comes over tonight he will get to play with his favorite cat....OMG THEY HAVE BEEN HAVING SEX ALL SUMMER. *faints*

- In summary: Penguins, dogs, cats...Give him any animal and watch the sexiness unfold!

Is he wearing the same outfit from his first ever episode of The Office? Like two seasons ago???

Happily surprised! :D )

Ahhhhh sleazy!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Office - eyebrow action
OMG they waited more than 2 months to post this interview!!! Because The Office season premiere episode airs tonight!



- OMG we hear this again: He is expecting to return as Senator Rob Lipton!!!

- AHHHHHHHHH he wants to be sleazy!!!!! And salaciousssss!!! He wants to do wrong things!!!!!!!! Awkward proposition of some kind FTW!!!! PLEASE WRITERS MAKE THAT HAPPEN

- OMG I totally didn't know that the writers made him gay LATER!!!!! LOLOL why do people always want to make him gaayyyyy

- OMG do you remember the interview where he said he wanted his character to get arrested in the airport bathrooms? HE STILL WANTS TO GET ARRESTED IN AIRPORT BATHROOMS DOING NAUGHTY THINGS. Errrr, I mean his character....UNF

Picsss )

Go go go!

OMG this is the first Heroes sticker ever and omfg with Noah "HRG" Bennet! :D :D :D Also, it's the second Jack Coleman Getglue sticker! :D OMFG please Getglue, send this to meeeeee.


OMG YES here are the Jack Coleman promo pics from The Season 5 premiere of "Castle" which will air on SEPTEMBER 24 OMFG

HIS SEXY HAND GESTURES AND CUTE PUPPY EYES. He's no mommy murderer! D: He's a little puppy senator! D: But probably not gay this time

TV Fanatic: "Who out there doesn't love Jack Coleman? He guest stars on season five of Castle."

I dunno, but I'm willing to hunt them down if they do exist...RAWR.

UNFGH BAD STANA BAD. Leave our bb alone! D: Also, his hair is so sexy I am basically speechless...

And mabetini just made this for me...



More Castle Season Premiere news and OMG more from Monte Carlo!!!!

The Vampire Diaries - snickering at Bile
And more awesomeness:

"Jack Coleman makes for a terrific U.S. Senator."



AHHHHHH another awesome Monte Carlo TV interview! This time, it's from Nova TV, a Croatian network!!! But omg they are so awesome because they used subtitles instead of annoying voice-over! So yay!!!! :D

What a lovely pic.... )

A follower has posted this pic of Ivana Nanut and Jack Coleman on our Facebook page saying it was from an exclusive interview and I've been looking for the interview everywhere! I finally found it!


- Playing a gay character on Dynasty: There is the weight of people who expect you to carry the flag for whatever side they happen to be on and that's hard! D:
- He got a lot of fan mail during Dynasty and LOL HIS FACE. I bet he remembered some of them which were verrrry naughty.
- A lot of it was very moving. D: A lot of it was from teenage boys who had discovered that they were gay and omfg this is the weight he is talking about! Awwwww.
- OMG he wasn't prepared for these powerful lettersssss.
- Joan Collins is his army buddy!!!!!!
- People ask him how to get an agent. In his opinion, you have to learn how to be good in order to deserve fame. But..but... how does he explain David Caruso then? *scratches head, is confused*
- OMG this part is my favorite:

Jack Coleman: Why do you think vampire stories are so popular?
Ivana Nanut: Because they are gentlemen, they are nice, they're not all bad, bloody.I'm thinking about Twilight now.
Jack Coleman: You don't think it comes down to sex ultimately? The appeal? How many 75 year old overweight vampires have you seen on television or in a movie?
Ivana Nanut: Oh, I like them because they look good.
Jack Coleman: They look good. If they were gentlemen, would they really be biting you? If they removed blood with a syringe, nobody would watch.
Ivana Nanut: Okay now, you ruined everything for me.

LOLLLLLLL. I don't know about you, but I'm so ready to watch Jack Coleman remove someone's blood with a syringe. I WOULD WATCH IT SO HARD, HELL YEAH!

Also, totally loved how the clips they used totally fit this interview, the mood and everything! LOL snarky and creepy HRG in the end fit just perfectly!



Ahhhhhhhh I can't wait omfggggg

" As series creator Andrew Marlowe told me during my set visit, the Vice President of the United States character is actually no biggie/no more than a background player. (And that’s not political commentary!) Jack Coleman, meanwhile, is excellent as a powerful senator. "
Source: TV LINE

3 weeks until Jack Coleman on TV!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH

The pic? Well, bb!Jack being excellent....

Awesome stuff!


AHHHHHHHH CUTENESSS...with suspense??? His pants don't look too tight in this scene.

Sooo....Jack Coleman in a sci-fi short, "EMIT"! This is not news really, but now we have a teaser! PICS! BASICALLY JACK COLEMAN! And if you want the DVD with behind the scenes clips etc, go ahead and DONATE! BECAUSE THE MOVIE NEEDS MORE FUNDING!


A teaser!

Yes, a teaser! )

A clip of JS Mayank, the writer/director of EMIT discussing his movie, is also here!:

EMIT - Finishing Funds - Click to donate!

Also omg I need to post this:

Ohhhhhh ZQ has HRGs!!!!!!!! It's a promo pic from "American Horror Story"'s second season!





An epic production of The Love Boat! No-dub version!

OMG I found his episodes!!! I know that Hulu has The Loooooove Boat already, but I am one of those unlucky people who can not access Hulu etc. D: So this leaves me one choice: YOUTUBING.

But first, gifs from the awesome interview where he talked about how sexy he looked in cycling tights...

DEAR GODS. I feel like exploding when he hops backwards like a very cute bunny!!!!!! THAT MOVEMENT JUST KILLS ME.

Scratching and stuff... )


The Love Boat S09E04 German Cruise 1 part 1 of 3
The Love Boat S09E04 German Cruise 1 part 2 of 3
The Love Boat S09E04 German Cruise 1 part 3 of 3

The Love Boat S09E05 German Cruise 2 part 1 of 3
The Love Boat S09E05 German Cruise 2 part 2 of 3
The Love Boat S09E05 German Cruise 2 part 3 of 3

Also OMG, here's the transciption of his interview! Questions included!!!!

la_dame_du_lac worked hard again...

Friday, September 14, 2012

OMFG another interview from Monte Carloooo and there is no voice over! :D

Here's the videoooooooo

Wow does he look gorgeous or what? And he is hilarious omfg. So many feelingssss. AHHHHHHHHH. I am forever a fan of this festival.

- He has a chip in his brain!

- He shot an epic production of The Love Boat back in 1985 in Nice, played a cyclist and professional French cyclists made sure he did not die during filming the very sexy cycling scenes! OMG he had fun! OMG OMG the way he says "The Love Boat"!!!! *dies a hundred times* AHHHHH this is the first time ever he talked about The Love Boat! :D :D :D Ugh I just hope that one day he talks about Nightmare Cafe too...perhaps about the episode where he was very, VERY wet...or the last episode with cows...

- "Smell the money" ahahahaa! He has naughty ideas about Monte Carlo...

- Monte Carlo makes LA look like a used car lot! Because the people are filthy rich!

- He is totally confused about the climate difference between Paris and Monte Carlo! LOL he needs to come here...You know, just to examine the climate difference...

- The friendly pooch! :D I think the pooch knows he's up there...I'd bark too!

- They were planning to kill Bill Forbes after 3 episodes only? Maaaaan.....what is this...I don't even....

- I luffff that he talks about the technical production value stuff etc. He's interested in filmmaking.

- The "youngsters" Milo and Hayden have all the hair and get all the glory and he had all that hair once. D: D: D: RIP JACK COLEMAN'S HAIR. *cries*

- It's easier to be dramatic than it is to be funny. And what about being hot? I may be biased, BUT I THINK HE EXCELLS AT ALL OF THEM.


BEWARE: It's very naughty inside )

YAY an interview and my overall feelings

More Dynasty watching and my first ever Claudia gif, I think...



UNFGH another interview from Monte Carlo and omfg there is no voice-over, no dub, nothing!

- He's glad his arc had an ending! Yay, a heroic dead! Ugh, sorry but I will forever bitch about this. I HAVE LEGIT REASONS. ASK ME AND I WILL TELL YOU AGAIN. Or don't...I'll tell you anyway...
- He thinks Bill Forbes is truly dead! D:
- He's sure he would go back to the show if they ask him to! :D
- But he doesn't think they will! D:

Well, honestly I didn't think even for a second that they would want Bill Forbes back. I wonder who was asking him that...OMG I FEEL LIKE A HORRIBLE FAN NOW D: Also, TVD needs to be better in season 4. Enough with the stupid ship of the week storylines! *is bitter about everything, but mainly about Bill Forbes*

Ugh, all this reminded me of Heroes and I'm still glad that they didn't know it was their last season. As Mr Coleman once said, they would have totally killed HRG off if they knew this was the end of Heroes. NO, THANK YOU DUDES. I couldn't have dealt with that, UGHHHH.

LOL pics..or LOLpics? )

It's Dynasty time!

So...I was watching an episode of Dynasty last night (S04E05) but I don't have any gifs because of the crappy quality of the video. Here, have promo pics instead:


Pics! )

I dunno why, but I feel like sharing my views on the episode. There were some LOLworthy dialogue in it which made me...LOL. Like:

(There is a custody trial between Blake and Steven and Sammi Jo is on the witness stand, fabricating tales of Steven's sexual promiscuity)

Blake's lawyer: "Was it a French restaurant? Italian? Chinese?"
Sammy Jo: "It was a gay restaurant"

The Gay Restaurant...

So I'm now imagining a convo like:
"Would you like to have French? Italian?
"No, gay."

Steven: "Liar! You're lying!"

But then, Steven said these:

"I won't answer that. What he's asking in essence is if I'm guily of being gay. Well nobody, not my father's lawyer, not you, not anybody in this courtroom or outside has the right to ask this because there is no guilt in that issue! Everybody in this state and in this country has the right to live his own life the way he wants. Provided he is a decent human being, isn't a man entitled to raise his child whether he is homosexual, or not? I am, and always be Danny's father and a good one no matter what my lifestyle is!"

I guess the Dynasty writers were also capable of not-so-LOLworthy dialogue.

Here's another thing Steven said:

Poll #1860638

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Go go go!

OMG this is the first Heroes sticker ever and omfg with Noah "HRG" Bennet! :D :D :D Also, it's the second Jack Coleman Getglue sticker! :D OMFG please Getglue, send this to meeeeee.

We finally have the video of the The Monte Carlo TV Festival TVD Panel! PHEW!

FINALLY. I've been  waiting for it! But OMG there is the stupid voice over from the French translator again and sometimes 8 people talked at the same time and this made la_dame_du_lac 's job very harrrrd. But you can still hear most of the things! And omg watch it because Jack Coleman is UNFFFFFF. He's not only UNFFFF, but also very funny.

Here's the video and the full transcription of the interview!!!! Awesomely done by her!

One of the most awesome highlights of the interview is this moment where he said "That's my ride" when he heard the ambulance siren:


I luff him. <3 He was so handsome and cute during this TV festival and this interview was no exception.

And more highlights:

All awesome.... )

I'd like to share these screencaps because of reasons:

I haz reasons... )

OMG HRG gifs! From the perfect episode!

ZOMG Cautionary Tales this episode omfg

OMG I perfectly remember how I've been feeling right before this episode aired. I was kind of sure that they would kill HRG off for good! I was biting my naiiiils! Ahhh memories...And then it aired and omg it was the sexiest episode with the angstiest and shippiest scenes everrrrrr. I cried, shouted, whined, cried more and it was pure bliss...argh. And we saw his naked chessst. Ugh, will we ever see it again? TVD kind of showed it but it was covered with blood so it doesn't count dammit. So in summary,  I believe this is the best episode of season 2, well, d'uh.

So, what did really happen in this episode?

Basically, these:

- HRG attempted to tie his cheerleader daughter up with duct tape while his wife was watching. WTF show. That was awkward and disturbingly shippy and you know it. ...Not that there is anything wrong with these! Father-daughter find common bond in...bondage? Don't ask me! I didn't write the show! If I did, it would end with some spanking!

- HRG flew in the sky.

- HRG kicked someone.

- HRG sat on someone.

- HRG wet someone.

- HRG got killed.


- HRG revived from dead.


One of the crackiest Heroes scenes ever LOL. Clairebear's expression and Sandra's "Put down the duct tape, Noah! Not in front of Lyle!" PERFECTION....Okay, I may or may not have added a line on there...

The rest is so sexy too )

When Jack Coleman visits Wendi...

...I explode...

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

- Black shirt...

- Related tweets are here and here.

- Teh shirt...

- Her expression and finger...

- His face...

A Castle!!! And Castle!!!

This is a very historic castle!
Also OMG there is Jack Coleman news!!!! This makes me happy:
Can you give me any more information about the senator Beckett will meet on Castle? — Riley
ADAM: The character, played by Heroes alum Jack Coleman, will have "compelling information" about Beckett's mother's murder — compelling enough that she will likely call on him throughout the season, creator Andrew W. Marlowe tells us. But Beckett may not like all the things she learns as she finally closes her mom's case. ""It's going to spin our characters in a different emotional direction," Marlowe says. "Once Beckett has that knowledge, what's she going to do with it and who is she going to become?" In other words: Closure may not exactly equal contentment.
AHHHHHHH!!! "Throughout the season"!!!!! This means lots of Jack Coleman goodness!!!! :D. *crosses fingers*
OMG this post makes a lot of sense... A castle pic and a Jack Coleman/Castle spoiler!!!! I'm awesome...

OMG I asked a Jack Coleman question and got an answer! :D

Q | Can you tell us more about Jack Coleman’s character on Castle? Will he be in multiple episodes?

Yes, the Heroes alum will appear in multiple episodes as, we originally reported, “a well-liked U.S. senator who finds himself in conflict with Beckett.” Asked to elaborate during my set visit, Marlowe hesitated, only adding: “I can say that Jack Coleman plays somebody who has some knowledge about what may have gone on back in the day with Montgomery, and may have some information as to what actually went on with Kate’s mother’s murder.”

:D :D :D

They are being verrrry secretive, this is GOOD. OH YES. I'M EXCITED!

Source: TV Line

(huge thanks to raissad for the heads up, because I might have missed it lol)

I'd like to take this opportunity to post this random pic of Jack Coleman wearing the dorkiest glasses ever!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012



:D :D :D :D :D


I see short hair! And a very dorky grin!  la_dame_du_lac thinks he know, the way he supposed to look in The Office. William....He's "Bill" for the third time in two years? HOW SEXY. I WANT MOAR PICS. And here's more info!!!!!

I find it amusing that people assume "antagonist" actually means "villain". We'll see...Not that I care if he is one...

Ultimate Spider- man! If you haven't watched it yet, here's the first part and the rest can be found on youtube!:

Ultimate Spider-man S01 Episode 13 (Strange Days) 1/5

Also, just tell me, doesn't Doctor Strange look a bit like Jack Coleman? Here's a mini sound clip!

When did Jack Coleman's casting never not make perfect sense, huh?

Have a pic first:


UGH I will miss this and Trevino's pink pants...


"When you think about it, Jack Coleman's casting makes perfect sense. Why?

- Jack Coleman will play a senator on Castle. He previously played a senator on The Office. This senator was homosexual.
- Jack Coleman played the homosexual father of Caroline Forbes on The Vampire Diaries. On that show, he was a hardcore member of a secret society dedicated to keeping humanity safe from supernatural beings.
- Jack Coleman played Noah Bennet (aka HRG) on Heroes, a hardcore member of a secret society dedicated to keeping humanity safe from supernatural beings. In doing so, he kept many secrets (some of them serious) from his family.
- Jack Coleman played Steven Carrington on Dynasty, a soap opera fraught with the secrets of a wealthy family. Many of those secrets resulted in death. Could similar secrets have resulted in the death of Beckett's mother?

Thus, it all makes perfect sense. If you try hard enough.

Best reasoning ever. So...does this mean HRG was gay? Yes, this is definitely the only logical conclusion to get from that. Also, have you seen the show? The eye sex and all.

The news of Jack Coleman on "Castle": The amount of squeeful tweets I see is impressive. Even more than the TVD ones.  I only see one; "Who is HRG?" and I accidentally retweeted someone who was saying "I hated him with all my strength" in Portuguese. (Translated by Google) How......why......THIS MUST BE A CRAZY ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE OR SOMETHING. I assume she was talking about HRG, BUT STILL. I HATE YOU MORE, LOSER. I hope he shows up on your most favorite show ever!!!!!!!!

Yes, of all the tweets, I chose to retweet that one and yes, this is my BIGGEST, MOST EPIC fail ever. *FACEPALM*

YAAAAAYYYYYY Jack Coleman and Castle????? : D :D :D

"TVLine has learned exclusively that Heroes vet Jack Coleman is joining the show’s fifth season as a new antagonist for Stana Katic’s detective."



- Is he getting typecast as a naughty senator???

- They better not kill recast him off...






So....some "concerned fan" (she looks like a creeper imo) asked the writer/producer of Emily Owens MD a Jack Coleman related question:




How..........why would someone want to....I don't understand....WHATEVERRRRRRRRRRRR....

Just don't.


Is it because he was too pretty for their show? Tall? White? Sexy? Nerdy? White and nerdy? Will we ever know the reason why? Ugh well, I know it's a BS reason but I still want to know so I can practice my voodoo skills on the right person/people. HATE. ANGER. HATGER?

Disclaimer: No Hollywood writer/producer was harmed in the making of this post and on twitter.

I even wished them luck omg I feel like I betrayed our holy cause ugh I'm weak against people who say nice things about him goddammit why noooooo oh you Hollywood devil D:

I am majorly bummed but I feel better when I read this because it's true

So....what is this frakkery I can't even omfg I am DISPLEASED.

I missed something very important Mr Coleman said during Festival de télévision de Monte-Carlo because I am lame like that.

Le Source:

"Jack Coleman will be back in The Office for season 9. On the other hand, it is possible that he will not be part of the cast of Emily Owens MD anymore, a new show that will start in fall on CW. The role could disappear or be re-cast. To be continued..."

(translation by la_dame_du_lac !)


I reserve my right to hate some people, bitch horribly and complain like hell. It's going to be fun! :D


OMG yay another interview!

IGN TV: Doctor Strange is known for saying some interesting things during his incantations.

Jack Coleman: Yes, there were lots and lots of colorful incantations. I’ve been known to come forth with some colorful incantations, but they’re probably more identifiable and less family friendly.

EEEEP! I WANT TO HEAR THEM. You kidding me?  "Less family friendly". UNFFFFFFFFF.

IGN: Probably the most famous from Marvel comics is, “By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth!” Do you get to say that or anything similar to it?
Coleman: I say something very similar to that, yes. There was no shortage of incantations! [Laughs]

I can't wait to watch his first episode... I feel like I'm going to have more of those favorite TV quotes...

More, MOAR!  )

A post without a pic is totally boring, so:


You know it's true!

WOOT! Another interview!

MTV Geek: So what attracted you to this part?

Jack Coleman: Well, Jeph Loeb, who was a writer and producer on Heroes called me and said "Do you want to come in and play Dr. Strange?" And I said, absolutely—so that's as far as that conversation went.

I know what my answer would be if someone asked me if I wanted to come in and play with him...ahem..what were we talking about?

The whole voiceover world is new and different to me and quite challenging. So when Jeph called I was eager to do it.

I totally love this...

Geek: Yeah, looking through your very extensive credits, you've done all kinds of roles but this is your first VO job. What about this particular challenge was appealing to you?

Coleman: Well, it's a completely different style of acting. When we first did it, there was no animation. I just read the scenes [with] of course four people who are A., familiar with doing animated work and B. know their characters well and it's second nature. But it was not at all second nature to me, I had not done a lot of voiceover work.

Oh yes. We believe him...


I had to sort of catch up and learn on the fly. And honestly, when I went in and did ADR, which is additional recording when you do afterwards, I was very glad to have a chance to redo some of it. Because once I saw the animation and could sort of tie the dialog to the action and the look of the character and hear all of the voices coming from [the other actors'] characters, then it became a completely different thing—it was much closer to the acting that I know. So there was a learning curve, I had not done a lot of voiceover work and I had a lot to learn.

He can just talk hours and I can listen to him forever...The way he describes his's so sexy. He's a newbie...That's sexy too...

More of the interview, a link to the original source and OMG something very interesting from IMDB. )

Jack Coleman terms it “getting the band back together.” :D :D :D

YAY! An interview of Jack Coleman and Greg Grunberg where they talk about their recent voice work on Ultimate Spider-Man OMG This link also has his sexy vooice!!!

LOL I couldn't recognize his voice at first. *FACEPALMS SO HARD*


Unlike Grunberg, Coleman is less familiar with voice work and his first try at it did not breed confidence. He was the voice on the other end of the phone breaking up with Meryl Streep in the movie Music of the Heart. Coleman said the multiple Oscar-winning actress was watching him record the scene and that it was very intimidating. And then, he said, they cut his voice work because it worked better with just Streep in the frame, “We get used to, as actors, to tying the words in with our actions. Voice acting is a very different art form and I have tremendous respect for those who do it very well.”


AHHHHH :D :D :D I feel like my life has a deeper meaning now! :D OMG Meryl Streep watching him like a true stalker/creeper. And he found this experience "intimidating"...Does he mean sexy? Because I think that's what it issss. HOW AWESOME IS THIS? I CAN'T EVEN. This pic....Tell me please, WAS HE REENACTING??? I WANT TO DISCUSS OMG. Damn you people for cutting his voice work. DAMN YOU.

He said Loeb made him feel comfortable on set and he tried reading the lines several different ways. When he went back in to re-record and finalize the voice, he said he was able to get the performance up to where it needed to be.


Coleman said he’d love to do more voice work, especially with Spider-Man: “The world of Spider-Man was one of my first comic book loves. I loved the complexity of it, that Spider-Man was a hero who could’t solve everything, and that Peter Parker had problems as well. He’s always been one of my faves.”

OMG MINE TOOOOOO....Now I feel so connected with him.....AHEM.

And here’s where I admit that Coleman’s roles have been some of my favorites and that I remember back when he was in a soap opera menacing Deirdre Hall’s Marlena as the original Salem Stranger on Days of Our Lives. Coleman laughed when I reminded him of it but felt better when I pointed out that Nathan Fillion also has a soap opera past, in One Life To Live.

UGH. He doesn't need to be sorry for being sexy. "Salem Strangler" was awesome and sexy. I'd have been rooting for him. ONLY I SHOULD MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER.

I loved him in Dynasty as well and was so glad to seem him back on regular television in Heroes. Hopefully, we’ll see more of him in voice and on-screen work soon.

UNFFFF. There is never enough of Jack Coleman. Just saying.


So...there have been rumours about a possible Dynasty remake (and lately, more people started to talk about this because of the success of Dallas and imo, Revenge) and even though there is still nothing solid yet, we have this:

...According our source:

"TV moguls are already huddled in top-secret talks with tempestuous Denver oil Dynasty divas Joan Collins and Linda Evans – begging them to get glam again in those magnificent, iconic costumes and scratch each other’s eyes out encore!"

Aaaand, from what we hear the divas are totes down for a cable channel reunion!

Our insider claims:

“Joan and Linda are really excited about reviving Dynasty. The show looks like a definite go as producers work out the details!”...


"Cable reunion"? that's interesting, because Jack Coleman said the following when he was in Monte Carlo about two weeks ago:

"Um… if the circumstances were right, I would. I would have to know that it was going to be done well and that the plot would have to be good… it’s good that it’s on cable, I think cable is where the show would have to be, because they’re a little racier, there’s a little bit more room to… um, for language, for content, and I think for shows like this to reinvent themselves, it cannot just be what they were 25 years ago, it has to really be new, different, even if a lot of the people are the same, if the characters are the same, the show has to feel [new]. So I think that cable would be a place to look."

Cable...I guess this is another "great minds think alike" moment? Or.... Unrelated, this saying can be translated to my language as "kalp kalbe karşıdır" and we use the word "heart" instead of "mind". Perhaps we are more romantic? :P

Enough with the speculations, here are the icons of the undeniable sexiness!!!!!

Total Icon Count: 16

Icons Here! )

EDIT: He's doing voice work for "Ultimate Spider-man! EEEEP!

"Guest stars for July 2012 debuting episodes include Jack Coleman (Heroes) as Doctor Strange, Greg Grunberg (Heroes) as Uncle Ben, Mark Hamill (Star Wars) as Nightmare, Shao Lao, Dave Boat (The Super Hero Squad Show) as Lion-Headed Zodiak and Phil Morris (The Secret Saturdays) as Scorpio and Lion-Headed Zodiak #2."