Saturday, September 29, 2012

More Castle Season Premiere news and OMG more from Monte Carlo!!!!

The Vampire Diaries - snickering at Bile
And more awesomeness:

"Jack Coleman makes for a terrific U.S. Senator."



AHHHHHH another awesome Monte Carlo TV interview! This time, it's from Nova TV, a Croatian network!!! But omg they are so awesome because they used subtitles instead of annoying voice-over! So yay!!!! :D

What a lovely pic.... )

A follower has posted this pic of Ivana Nanut and Jack Coleman on our Facebook page saying it was from an exclusive interview and I've been looking for the interview everywhere! I finally found it!


- Playing a gay character on Dynasty: There is the weight of people who expect you to carry the flag for whatever side they happen to be on and that's hard! D:
- He got a lot of fan mail during Dynasty and LOL HIS FACE. I bet he remembered some of them which were verrrry naughty.
- A lot of it was very moving. D: A lot of it was from teenage boys who had discovered that they were gay and omfg this is the weight he is talking about! Awwwww.
- OMG he wasn't prepared for these powerful lettersssss.
- Joan Collins is his army buddy!!!!!!
- People ask him how to get an agent. In his opinion, you have to learn how to be good in order to deserve fame. But..but... how does he explain David Caruso then? *scratches head, is confused*
- OMG this part is my favorite:

Jack Coleman: Why do you think vampire stories are so popular?
Ivana Nanut: Because they are gentlemen, they are nice, they're not all bad, bloody.I'm thinking about Twilight now.
Jack Coleman: You don't think it comes down to sex ultimately? The appeal? How many 75 year old overweight vampires have you seen on television or in a movie?
Ivana Nanut: Oh, I like them because they look good.
Jack Coleman: They look good. If they were gentlemen, would they really be biting you? If they removed blood with a syringe, nobody would watch.
Ivana Nanut: Okay now, you ruined everything for me.

LOLLLLLLL. I don't know about you, but I'm so ready to watch Jack Coleman remove someone's blood with a syringe. I WOULD WATCH IT SO HARD, HELL YEAH!

Also, totally loved how the clips they used totally fit this interview, the mood and everything! LOL snarky and creepy HRG in the end fit just perfectly!



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