OMG I perfectly remember how I've been feeling right before this episode aired. I was kind of sure that they would kill HRG off for good! I was biting my naiiiils! Ahhh memories...And then it aired and omg it was the sexiest episode with the angstiest and shippiest scenes everrrrrr. I cried, shouted, whined, cried more and it was pure bliss...argh. And we saw his naked chessst. Ugh, will we ever see it again? TVD kind of showed it but it was covered with blood so it doesn't count dammit. So in summary, I believe this is the best episode of season 2, well, d'uh.
So, what did really happen in this episode?
Basically, these:
- HRG attempted to tie his cheerleader daughter up with duct tape while his wife was watching. WTF show. That was awkward and disturbingly shippy and you know it. ...Not that there is anything wrong with these! Father-daughter find common bond in...bondage? Don't ask me! I didn't write the show! If I did, it would end with some spanking!
- HRG flew in the sky.
- HRG kicked someone.
- HRG sat on someone.
- HRG wet someone.
- HRG got killed.
- HRG revived from dead.
One of the crackiest Heroes scenes ever LOL. Clairebear's expression and Sandra's "Put down the duct tape, Noah! Not in front of Lyle!" PERFECTION....Okay, I may or may not have added a line on there...
( The rest is so sexy too )
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