It's time for a mini picspam!
...of bb!JackBut first! This is from a 2007 interview:
Q: "If you could change one thing about your character, what would it be? Why?"
Jack Coleman: "If I could change one thing about my character it would to make him irresistible to Swedish supermodels -- to match my personal life. Truthfully, there is precious little I would change about this part. I'm having the time of my life."
Is it weird that I immediately thought of HRG being involved in weird bondage situations when I read this? You know, some movies have gorgeous women who are also very eviiiiil. It sounds like a 60s movie cliché, but who cares? I love my brain. Cold shower brb.
(I have to thank
Wet!Steven!!!...The Saga obviously continues...Because I have better pics.
Wet kind of manhandling.
Their facial expressions don't help either....GUH.
Okaaaaay...Hello, Mr Officer...or sheriff. Some gay porn movies start out with a similar scene. Not that I watched any of them.
Yes, I'm totally ignoring the baby. UGH. Babies spoil the mood.
Wow. They are already dry and my hair never looks that pretty when I'm just out of the shower.
The baby's gone and they are sexily looking at the camera. Much much better.
This pic is kind of creepy. I don't know why. Poor bb Steven. He is not amused. But I guess this is a behind the scenes pic? Then bb Jack is not amused. Oh well. But he has the prettiest sweater ever. I think Cosby stole it.
Another behind the scenes pic. I have to admit, this one is cute. Heather Locklear looks funny. What is she doing?? Also, Jack's hair is being epic again.