Thursday, April 7, 2011

This is a Wet!Steven post....

So many wet men...and a baby.


My analysis:


- Wet men wrestling FTW!


- Wet Pink shirt!

- "Soaking wet Adam". This feels so right.

- In my mind: "Adam and Steven risk their lives to rescue their baby. "

- Must...stop...shipping...Adeven. Stadam?

- I need to watch this episode.

- "Chilling end-of-season episode".  Because the water was cold?

- Wet!Jack still feels magical. *siiiiiiiiiigh*


I've been tagged by   !

People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

1. How many clowns would it take to freak you out?
The bare mention of clowns makes me want to run for the hills...I might have exaggerated a bit, but I know I find them scary. But Jack Coleman in a clown suit? UNF.

2. What is your favorite card game?
King, aka Rifki. OMG I used to play it a lot.

3. Tea or coffee?
BLACK TEA. Well, I like coffee too. :P But yeah, my first choice: Black tea!

4. Five things you can touch right now without getting up.
My watch, my ipod, my external drive, my bed Noah Bennet action figure. I touch it a lot. *touches it again*

5. You have to be somewhere on the fourth floor of a building. Do you take the lift/elevator?
Haha, no way I'm walking.

6. How do you feel about your reflection?

7. What did you last eat?
Fish! Wait orange!

8. What noise, if any, does your phone make when it rings?
One of those jolly Nokia tunes.

9. Dog person or cat person?
I love both cats and dogs but I think I'll go with cats! :D

10. What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
  and I seriously discussed Jack's chest hair on this pic.

11. What was the last thing that you bought?
Two pants!

12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Everywhere and anywhere? Also: Pffffff.

13. Where do you see yourself in five years?
No clue...

14. Last book you read?
Haha, I am still reading "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo".

15. What are you doing this weekend?
Today I was shopping with mom! Sunday? I'll probably see a movie.

16. What's your dream job?
I don't know...

17. Famous person you'd most like to have dinner with?

NO TAGGING. You know you want to do this meme...

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