I read this:
"...And then, for some reason, without any dialogue, Jack Coleman, who was once on “Dynasty” and doesn’t seem to age, is sitting at the Dundies. He play Angela’s boyfriend, but what is he doing there?"
I know he didn't even have a single line, but there is no need to panic. (But hey, I am still not amused) His onscreen presence was enough to make me go; "OMMMFGGGG. SO FREAKING PRETTY. HOW DOES HE DO THAT?"... *droools* He kept smiling throughout the episode and he was soooooo sexy in a unnatural way and...I...got happy.
So I made a 9~ minute clip of his scenes and I didn't cut anything out, because it would have been pointless and kinda weird LOL.
Senator likes brown.
His sideburns UNF.
OMG his hair is extra nice looking. :D :D :D
Ahahaha his face...*siiiiigh* I am still totally not used to see him smiling like a huge dork.
Creepy one was default as we all know...
OMGGG his hair...Also, apparently no one touched their plates.
ARRRRRRRGGGHHHHHH. I can keep staring at this until I die. I may or may not have serious issues. Regardless, he is so pretty I can't even UNGH.
Okay what do we have here? I'll tell you: There is extreme sexiness and it is extremely overpowering. I'm not even sure what I really mean that and I don't care.
..all I can think of is: Must....lick...nose....ears? YES. I have to admit, this scene was funny.
HAHAHAHA I amazed at myself. OMFG I got a tongue cap!!!!! AHAHAHA THERE IT IS!!!!!! DYING. AND BROKEN PINKY OMFG.
He's sexily clapping his hands back there....
Soooo smooth....The table cloth, that is.
Okaaay, this screencap is a bit creepy but I am posting it anyways because I have legit reasons. I won't explain these legit reasons.
UNFGH. Rare close up. Rare sexiness. Rare unless you are Jack Coleman. I pity you if you are not Jack Coleman. I want that hair.
Verrry focused....Even sexier...
The things that I envy #23: That napkin.
His sexiness attracts more people... to the point they wish to meet him.
I stopped following the plot and I have no idea what that guy wants. Oh wait....I do....The Napkin.
Also, have a bunny!Jack pic. I swear he looks like a cute bunny there. ...A cute bunny with a sexy adam's apple....
♥ ♥ ♥
I WANT THISSSS AND THISSSSS. But especially the ones in the first one, the pic above OMFG. His gun, his HRGs and his fake ID. So sexy, I can't even deal with it. HE WAS THE SEXIEST COUNTY CLERK EVER. These iconic stuff made me explody.