Sunday, March 20, 2011

Free Radio

You know this VH1 show?

Jack was in the pilot episode and you can watch it here:

Season 1, Episode 1: Moron in the Morning

OMG Totally watch it if you haven't, it's funny OMG. Plus, he looks so hot I'm hyperventilating. UNGHTJJJ that shirt...

And here's a short video of the deleted scenes, this one should be watched too, because it has the "gay superman" and the "invisible in the 90s" jokes:

Deleted Scenes

And recently, Lance Krall posted the original unaired pilot. Here's what he says:

"This is the unaired pilot presentation that was made for Vh1. We were given enough money to make a ten minute demo, but I decided to over deliver and shot a full length pilot instead. Although the format remained basically the same when we went to series, a lot of other things changed. Most notably, James Reed, the station manager, was originally played by my good friend and Hollywood director, Peyton Reed. Peyton was unavailable to be in the show when it got picked up, but the "Reed" stuck when Brian Huskey took the reigns. Emo Sarah was just Sarah, and my character was noticeably more subdued. Fans of the show may note that the interview with Jack Coleman is completely different than the one that aired. That's because Jack was kind enough to come back and do it all over again when we got picked up. "

UGH Jack is so nice. SO NICE. And hot.

Well, since I only care about the Jack Coleman segment, I edited the unaired pilot accordingly. Here it is:

You can watch the full video here:

But why would you want to?

I need gifs and perhaps icons...

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