More pics from Elevate Hope charity events under the cut!
Awwwwww :D
This one's from 2007. Many of the Heroes cast attended this one.
From 2008. I'm digging the bowling shirt...and the posture...So focused...his much sexiness....incoherent thoughts and feelings...UNFGH.
I have too much love for sporty Jack...I want to play with him. One on one. This basketball event's from 2004. Bowiling and basketball. Multiple skills.
I see him!
I see him! Barely!
Awwwwww :D
Legs....There should have been a close up pic....
:D :D :D What is this. Why so cute. WHY. My favorite pic of Jack Coleman at the moment. This will be iconned.
These pics...I dunno, they made my whole week. I should have found them years ago. Bad me...
Did he win???
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