Fun things
- My favorite Jack Coleman/TVD related thing on tumblr nowadays:I knew Bill saw her point, I already said that!!!!!!
- This is perhaps the most awesome site I saw lately:
Gay Male Vampire
I'm grateful to Jack for guesting on TVD, otherwise I wouldn't have found it.
From their TVD recap:
We were left in suspense through the second episode and only in the last few seconds did the viewer get confirmation that Caroline’s captor was her father. But it seemed from the first moment he appeared on screen, the makeup department had done enough to make him look the part. Can’t imagine the former Heroes star being overly gay, and unless his partner joins the cast, we’re not likely going to see much action to back it up.
- HAH! I knew we weren't the only ones who noticed the make up!!!! I knew it! HAH! But this person thinks it was on purpose. HAH! :D And LMAO!
- Jack Coleman being overly gay. Hmmmm....Hmmmmmmmm....I don't know what that means. I'll only know if I see it.
- I do want to see the action....You know...the action....May I?
Now three episodes in, Vampire Diaries has shown an interesting side. Caroline’s dad attempted to use eversion therapy to help her change her vampiric nature. Yes, the gay man can’t accept his vampire daughter and must teach her to repress her true nature by associating the pain of sunlight with blood. That’s a little ironic. In episode two, Tyler’s mom witnesses his full-moon transformation and has come to accept her son is not a monster (and possibly this will mean she will accept Caroline too).
- HAH! We discussed this too. I'm sure Tyler's mom will accept Caroline, but...but....what about daddy? D: Will they be hugging again? D: Not that we saw them hug before....But I'm sure they did....And you know, he called her "Care", before the torture session. "CARE". Like in "Carebear"? You know where I'm going with this?
- A video:
Because I just couldn't help myself. I have a simple mind.