Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fun things

Fun things  
- My favorite Jack Coleman/TVD related thing on tumblr nowadays:


I knew Bill saw her point, I already said that!!!!!!

- This is perhaps the most awesome site I saw lately:

Gay Male Vampire

I'm grateful to Jack for guesting on TVD, otherwise I wouldn't have found it.

From their TVD recap:

We were left in suspense through the second episode and only in the last few seconds did the viewer get confirmation that Caroline’s captor was her father. But it seemed from the first moment he appeared on screen, the makeup department had done enough to make him look the part. Can’t imagine the former Heroes star being overly gay, and unless his partner joins the cast, we’re not likely going to see much action to back it up.

- HAH! I knew we weren't the only ones who noticed the make up!!!! I knew it! HAH! But this person thinks it was on purpose. HAH! :D And LMAO!

- Jack Coleman being overly gay. Hmmmm....Hmmmmmmmm....I don't know what that means. I'll only know if I see it.

- I do want to see the action....You know...the action....May I?


Now three episodes in, Vampire Diaries has shown an interesting side. Caroline’s dad attempted to use eversion therapy to help her change her vampiric nature. Yes, the gay man can’t accept his vampire daughter and must teach her to repress her true nature by associating the pain of sunlight with blood. That’s a little ironic. In episode two, Tyler’s mom witnesses his full-moon transformation and has come to accept her son is not a monster (and possibly this will mean she will accept Caroline too).

- HAH! We discussed this too. I'm sure Tyler's mom will accept Caroline, but...but....what about daddy? D: Will they be hugging again? D: Not that we saw them hug before....But I'm sure they did....And you know, he called her "Care", before the torture session. "CARE". Like in "Carebear"? You know where I'm going with this?

- A video:


Because I just couldn't help myself. I have a simple mind.

Creepy dad stuff..

OMG finally a Jack Coleman aka Bill Forbes promo still!!!! I've been waiting for one since forever!

Photobucket Click for the humongous version. UNGHHH. I don't understand how he looks this cute and perfect. Sad puppy eyes again....

Here are the Bill Forbes scenes from the latest The Vampire Diaries episode "The End Of The Affair":

Ughhhhhh...these scenes broke my heart and also caused me to giggle. I love it. This is awesome. He is awesome. And there was a Tyler/Mom/Caroline scene after the Bill torture scenes: Mom: "Honey, your dad...All our families, we have beliefs that have been passed on through generations. And we were taught never to stray from them." Caroline: "You did." Mom: "You taught me to look at things in a different way." Bill: I just thought that he was the one who got me. Mom: "He did. He will again." : He should! D: UGH. This gives me hope...Mom is defending him and this is good....I think. And a few seconds later, Tyler comes in and they huggle in bed and she cries and tells Tyler that her dad hates her! D: NOOOO! D: *cries* ...but my hopes took a blow after I watched the extended promo for next week's episode:


Yes, I know that Jack isn't in it...But...are we sure? Damon is biting a guy's neck on 00:19 and...look at the promo pic shirt...and the guy in the promo....also wearing a blue shirt.....Is he Bill Forbes aka the sexy creepy dad? D: I think he is... DDD: *shakes violently and cries loudly* NOOOOOOOOOO!!! D: I won't be able to deal with this... :(((( Although I must admit that the idea of Jack Coleman getting bitten by a vampire is kinda hot....BUT NO DEATHS PLEASE! D:

Monday, October 17, 2011

Woooo!!! Torture, sexiness and more torture!!! The Vampire Diaries!


- This episode? Me likey. Bill and Caroline? My brain broke.

- Mr Coleman looks perfect in this one. PERFECTION. Hotness and sexiness to the max.

- Her mom, the sheriff was totally worse than Bill but omg everyone seems to forget how she's treated Caroline before. WHY ARE HIS ACTIONS ANY DIFFERENT? Just because he tortures her a little? Pffffffff...

- Ugh now some fans are like "FU Bill!" but I'll always be there to defend him. I AM NOT SORRY. I have to say, this is totally Jack's fault, he shouldn't have been so good at playing these sexy creepsters. He's never a dull psycho though, he is such a good actor, he always conveys emotions exceptionally well even when his character is doing questionable things. I freaking love it when he's like, "OMG I love you sweetheart, but I am going to have to hurt you so bad." EMOTIONS.

- Right now, TVD fandom might become a dangerous place if you're planning to say things like "OMG but he really loves her" But I don't care, haha. HE'S TOTALLY BLINDED BY HIS LOVE FOR HIS LITTLE GIRL. Deal with it. He even told Caroline that he sat down and cried when Carol told him the bad news. D: Poor bb. *throws common sense out the window*

- In summary, Bill is hot, therefore he is allowed to do bad things. OKAY? Go Team Bill! *facepalm* ...don't hate me.

- I've been singing this song since I saw the torture scene in the promo. Amazing, isn't it? *wants to make a video*

- Haha it's awesome that "Poor Caroline" trended on Twitter last night.

- A trivia: Jack Coleman and Michael Trevino were castmates in Cowbelles. Sexy, isn't it?

- I am loving the parallels between the gay dad and the vampire daughter. He tries to fix her even though she keeps saying she can't be fixed because this is who she is. What if someone tried to fix your gayness, Bill? Hmmm?

- I realize I sometimes contradict myself and I blame his hotness for it.

- This episode has some awesome Bill quotes...I exploded every time he talked:

(To his ex/mommy/the sheriff) "Trust me to do the right thing. Let me do this not because she's a monster, but because we love her."
I would trust you, mr Forbes...

(To Caroline) "I want you to know,when Carol Lockwood called and told me about you...I sat down and cried."
D: D: D: ....My fav moment of this episode...

Caroline: "Why? You know that this isn't going to work."
Bill: "It has to work. It's the only option."
Caroline: "Why are you trying to fix me?"
Bill: "So I don't have to kill you!"
[info]dref22: GAAAAASP!

And imagine him saying those lines with morally grey puppy eyes.


Btw, this time I have the logofree caps, YAYZ! (Screencaps lovingly stolen from [info]ina_ami )


So...what do we have here...

So...what do we have here...  
First a niiiiiice pic of bb!Jack.

jack coleman

And this very recent unffffffffy one....

I've been reading recaps, reviews and  previews and I thought I'd share a few here, because, ugh, I am giddy/worried/excited OMG:


Candice Accola gives one of her finest performances in tonight’s episode, as she’s tortured by her big bad vampire-hating daddy (Jack Coleman). Some of her scenes literally had me twitching! But don’t worry, her pain is going to lead to some major payoff. “I think the beauty of Caroline is she’s a ‘pull myself up by my bootstraps’ kind of girl,” Plec said. ”The irony of that is she learned that, she thought, from her dad. All her strength and all her confidence came from her relationship with her father. Now we’ve seen her realize that, when the chips fell when they did, her mom was there. The surprising person who she thought never got her was there to get her now. Caroline gets a few good moments next episode where we get to see just exactly how she’s going to channel the experience into action.”

Haha, I don't know why but this makes me worried. So her mom will join the action? She is a sheriff and she has a gun.... D:

TV Line:

VERY BAD DAD | This in no way relates to the 1920s sequences, but the same episode finds Caroline imprisoned by her vamp-hunting dad. Huge props to Candice Accola, who more than delivers in several painful-to-watch torture scenes at the hands of Jack Coleman’s Bill (who is majorly channeling Heroes‘ HRG circa Season 1!). Minor Spoiler Alert: During a bout of sun exposure, Accola’s performance mirrors Michael Trevino’s stellar work during Tyler’s first transition into a werewolf.

HRGGGG. If he is channeling HRG...where are the huggages? D:

TV Guide:

5. Caroline gets tortured: If you thought Klaus was heartless when it came to his family, that's nothing in comparison to Caroline's dad (Jack Coleman), who takes to torturing her in an attempt to break her of her blood lust. "It's a story about a parent thinking they know best for their child," Plec says, and in this case, father does not know best.

But, but.......maybe he really manages to fix her?

Comics Bulletin

There's something beyond ironic about Jack Coleman, once TV's first gay son on Dynasty, now becoming the supernatural patriarch of choice on genre shows. Bringing in a real actor for the role means we're probably going to find out more about Mystic Falls early supernatural legacy, but I don't see this dad betraying his little blonde angel any more than Noah could ever do to Claire.

I LOVE this one for multiple reasons. He's a "real" actor, alright. This is the only review I've seen that mentions what I've been saying for the last two weeks LOL. He's awesome and there is great potential to all this and why would you waste awesomeness and great potential? But it happened on TV before, so... :P

And perhaps the most awesome finding of my day so far:

After Elton:

For a little while, all we knew about Noah (Jack Coleman) was his horn-rimmed glasses, which were a reliable signal to viewers that something sinister was happening (as well as a "Hello there" to viewers with a weakness for bespectacled buys). However, we soon learned Noah was doing the best he could to protect his daughter from a secret organization, brain-eating supervillains and a horrific alternate timeline. As a man without the superpowers the rest of the Heroes cast had, he did a pretty good job.

Coleman just started a new fatherly role, though he's switching from sci-fi to horror as Caroline's dad on The Vampire Diaries. Since the first season mentioned that Caroline's dad was gay, we're keeping our fingers crossed we'll see a lot of him.

I think this is pretty cool. Also, I love that they want more of the gay TVD dad. You and me both omg. My fingers are crossed like WHOA.

I think I need Bill come I haven't made even a single one?

OMG tomorrow is Jack Coleman day

He'll be in tomorrow's episode. PHEW.

Read more... )

...I'm just going to steal this from Tumblr and post it here, because it is amazing all around:

Parallels between Heroes and The Vampire Diaries

Heroes: Noah - Played by Jack Coleman
TVD: Bill - Played by Jack Coleman

Heroes: Occupation - Super Human hunting
TVD: Occupation - Vampire Hunting

Heroes: Unknowingly had a superhuman daughter
TVD: Unknowingly had a vampire daughter

Heroes: C is for Claire
TVD: C is for Caroline

Heroes: Found out about Claire’s secret before she told him
TVD: Found out about Caroline’s secret before she told him

Heroes: Claire is Blonde
TVD: Caroline is Blonde

Heroes: Claire is a cheerleader
TVD: Caroline is a cheerleader

Heroes: Claire can heal after getting hurt
TVD: Caroline can heal after getting hurt

Heroes: Claire’s blood can heal people
TVD: Caroline’s blood can heal people

and I’m probably looking too much into it now, but


Drop the O and N and you’re left with CARLIE. Rearrange that and you get CLAIRE

I have nothing to add. OMG.

...In other news this awesome person Wendi told me that he's filming his Criminal Minds episode right now. Oh my...I am both worried and giddy. Does that mean.... D:

EMOTIONS. I have them.

So much unf is going on in this video....

So, I'm just going to post this video of Jack Coleman scenes...I totally didn't watch this 21 times today.

*watches again*

I just love that he's using a soft voice here....It's creepy because we know he is a meanie. UNFGH. I like it.....I can't help it.... D:

And if megavideo doesn't work for some reason (it happened before), here's the Youtube link:

We do what we have to do.

Also, I now have HD Logofree Screencaptures of sexy Bill Forbes thanks to [info]ina_ami UNFGHHHHHH.

The Vampire Diaries OMG


- OMG it's finally here...I am happy...I was so excited to see him, I couldn't even follow the plot when I first watched the episode, I was extremely occupied with making incoherent sounds. I noticed that they killed the werewolf, Klaus was angry, Elena was trying to achieve god knows what and ...omg....Jack was being sexy and hot...Like, really hot...And omg....he was bad...a bad daddy... *dies*

- As the internet guessed before: OMG HE IS THE SEXY GAY DAD OF CAROLINE THE VAMPIRE, PHEW. I WANTED THIS...amazing...AMAZING.

- A general consensus: Noah Bennet from Heroes is in TVD playing a very similar role. More than half of the gazillion tweets and the reviews had HRG mentions. OMG do people still think HRG might have hurt his Clairebear? D: OMG but I see where they are coming from...Angst...daddy issues...lots and lots of angsty daddy issues...This is the perfect show for it...And he is my dream character. UNFGH.

- Also, there are other similarities....weird sexy similarities. They both tied up their daughters...HRG used duct tape and Bill apparently prefers chains...Claire....Caroline....Both start with "C"...Both daughters are cute blonds...They are both supernatural beings... Nice...I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting something...

- Bill is a hybrid of Steven Carrington and Noah Bennet. Obviously.

- Did I say I was happy? Because I am...Really. I am even happier because there is angst...

Now, it's time for.....

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! :D :D :D He's finally here!!!! OH HAI ! :D :D :D

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

OMG Heroes season 4 HRG outift...Blue shirt....Sexiness all around...

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

Does he have make up on his face??? I think the word I should use here is "too much".  *hides*  Where is Wendi? D:

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

He's here for the vampire emergency....

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

Stupid Supernatural Season Premiere GTFO!!!! You're blocking my precious view...

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

 HAI again.... I love how his shirt is unbuttoned......*siiiiiiiigh*

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

Ohhh close up...omg sad face... :(((

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

This vampire emergency is making him look like a sad puppy...

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

UGHHHHHHH...I even see some chest hair...Did we ever see HRG's chest hair? Why do I pay attention to this kind of stuff?


jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

Ohhhhhhh...I remember this stare...Half sad, half worried...

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

And this is where I talk about his lips, nose and eyes and chin and omg facial bumps or moles or whateverrrrr....UGGGGHHHHH...The sexiness is unimaginable...Gods, I still hate that junk text...

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

OMG a phone sex scene...I really like it when there are scenes like this...Phone....hmmm...

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

Awwww, he totally wants to deal with his little girl....

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

Tying up your daughter is hard, treacherous work....

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd

"Hello Carolinebear"

jack coleman,candice accola,the vampire diaries,tvd


Ughhhh this is totally breaking my heart...Poor Caroline...D: WHY SO MEAN, DUDE? D: Now what will happen??? D: If Bill doesn't want to die, he needs to stop torturing his little girl... D: OMG it looks like he's not going to stop anytime soon...

Below is the promo for next week's episode! D:

Sylar anyone?

So.....Version 2!

Angela Kinsey, from The Emmys Red Carpet:

One of the Dunder Mifflinites tied the knot over the summer! "You don't see the wedding, but it's going to be alluded to," star Angela Kinney says of her character marrying State Senator Rob Lipton (Jack Coleman). So will Oscar finally clue her in on his theory that the senator is a closeted homosexual? "They have a pretty cool reveal that's going to come up," she says. "Does she know and she's OK? She's got a much better life, she's all about moving up in society, so who knows?"


Booooo. ARGH. UGH. I guess this "pretty cool reveal" does not actually involve the sexy State Senator. Again: Boooooo. I don't know/care about the reason/reasons but as a viewer maniacal obsessive freak, I believe this: So much potential, wasted. Eh. Btw, lol, "theory".


Jack Coleman’s TV dance card is looking mighty full.

In addition to dropping by The CW’s Vampire Diaries this fall as a slayer (and possible dad!), the Heroes alum will appear on Criminal Minds as someone far creepier than HRG.

TVLine has learned exclusively that Coleman will guest star on the CBS drama as Bill, a man who once held a young girl captive for seven years, and in an attempt to recreate a perceived connection with the victim, proceeds to kidnap her mother (played by Army Wives‘ Brigid Brannagh) in the exact same fashion.

And in addition all of that casting goodness, Coleman is expected to return to NBC’s The Office this season as Angela’s “State Senator” significant other.


- BILL. Two "Bill"s in one season? OMG.

- OMG. He is going to play a perverted maniac, kidnapping young girls and all.... "Far creepier than HRG"  I CAN'T EVEN. This makes me happy hahahaha. I have issues, so sue me.

- And The Office. Just as I was bitching...SO WEIRD. I must have sensed it...Then why was I bitching? I DON'T KNOW.  Okay, Angela Kinsey didn't sound like he'd be back, but apparently, he will be!!!!

 I also made gifs! :D

jack coleman,hayden panettiere,heroes,hrg,noah bennet,claire bennet,clairebear

Ughhhh. One of the cutest shippiest HRG/Clairebear moments. D'aaaawwww....Yes, I know that she was totally lying to daddy...ugh I love this. Don't ask why.

jack coleman,heroes,hrg,noah bennet

Eyebrow tilt of suspicion. UNFGH.

Sandra: "You can not be the only man in her life forever."
[info]dref22: PFFFFFFFFFFFF.

jack coleman,heroes,hrg,noah bennet

:((((. He is aware things are not looking good for him! D: Clairebeaaaar...needs a spanking.

OMG I'm excited...

...even tough I have no clue if Jack will be appearing on tonight's The Vampire Diaries episode. Luckily, I love the show, so I can wait...


"Look for two other guest stars to shake things up in the first chapter of season 3 (roughly the first nine episodes). At some point, we’ll meet “a very mysterious man who appears to be hunting vampires, most specifically Klaus” played by Supernatural‘s Sebastian Roche. We’ll also be introduced to a former Mystic Falls resident (Heroes‘ Jack Coleman) who returns to point out all the failings of the current Council’s attempts to keep vampires out-of-town."

Ohhhh...OMG SO HRG...Ugh I hope he teaches those evil vampires a lesson...And hugs girls...

More here

In honor of tonight's premier episode of TVD, I'm posting these; "OMG WTF HAHAHA SO CRACKY" pics of Jack Coleman and the disco queen Donna Summer. I freaking love the 80s.

jack coleman,donna summer

Hahahaha the shirt!!! I think I have a really filthy mind because I'm seeing something on that shirt...

jack coleman,donna summer

I love how Donna Summer has a "normal" outfit compared to Jack and Jack looks like he's just got out of the Flashdance or Fame set or something...

jack coleman,donna summer

LOL the headband....OMG he is so hip it hurts...

jack coleman,donna summer

Yeah, I'm still seeing that "something" on his shirt...

jack coleman,donna summer

OMG what's with that yellow thingy wrapped around his leg? Is it attached to his pants?

jack coleman,donna summer

I think Ms Summer looks kinda uncomfortable...

jack coleman,donna summer

"HELP. He's keeping me hostage."

jack coleman,donna summer

In my head, Jack did breakdance that day....

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Myspace is a really cool place...



I've tumblr'd it but I still can't get enough of it. Let's put all the creepiness and weirdness aside and focus on one thing: Who are those two women? They are related to Bennets? Petrellis?

EDIT: In order to make sure there is no confusion: I DID NOT MAKE THIS OMG. D:

....Ugh, the Heroes auction is going strong and now they are auctioning Noaire... D:


AHHHHHHHHHHH....Noah has a very innocent look on his face but Clairebear looks mischievous...Nice...


Awwwwwwwww....I like it, can't lie...


Ugnfgh another one....


Hahahaha the palm tree frame!!!! WTF is that hahahaha!!! LOL WHY!


Awwww, this is the only one I saw before....I can't remember any of the other photos from the show, but they say they've been used.


UGHHHH why did the prop department need so many sexy Noah pics? Not that I'm complaining....


"The file includes: Photos of Noah, his medical records, income tax return documents, a birth certificate copy."


His income tax return documents....I can't believe this makes me all giddy inside...


Phew. My Spain trip was very tiring and very awesome. This was my first time and I enjoyed every second of it. Ohhhh, that sounded naughty.

Anyways, I came back and I decided to post pics of sexiness taken from an Associated Press interview of Jack Coleman.

Such as:

Jack Coleman

GUH. OMG I love AP.

Jack Coleman

I think AP people were well aware that he was radiating dangerously high levels of sexiness, because I rarely see Jack pics like know, pics that are kind of artistic or something. UNGH.

Jack Coleman

OMG he looks so sad or melancholic in this one...Of course, sad or melancholic in a sexy way...

Jack Coleman


Jack Coleman

OMG I love it when he makes that hand gesture. It feels like "I'm right here and you are free to touch my chest...or wherever."

Jack Coleman

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Black shirt, sexy purple(blue?)/black background, sexy lighting and omg sexy stare....Who knew this short interview had so much sexiness?

In case you want to watch it, here it is:

Also, apparently he once made another Talk About It video which can be seen by clicking on the sexy pic here:

jack coleman

He was shooting an episode of season 4, right?