Yes, this is another fan pic but there is something special about this one.
His tweets are in my language. WRONG TURK, MR COLEMAN, WRONG TURK! D: Also: "Jack Coleman from The Vampire Diaries." That's it? REALLY?
And then we worked like detectives. Here are our findings so far (and we assume this is a recent pic):
- OMFG. This particular finding killed
Apparently he was only like 5-10 minutes away from where she lives when
this pic was taken. D: WHAT IS GOING ON. WHAT WAS HE DOING THERE? D:
- His shirt.
la_dame_du_lac noticed that it's a Lamborghini shirt.
THIS EVENT. Did he get a free shirt that day? I WANT ANSWERS.
- Doesn't this place look like a classroom??? And if that's the college that
sarena2s went to...She'll totally feel like dying again. WHY GOD WHY.
- THAT BICEP. That is all. Wait...also, his jeans. I am a fan of his jeans.