...things are back to normal? *crosses fingers*
So, during 2011's
second Livejournal Blackout of Doom (duuuude I was depressed!!! Bad
hackers, BAD!!!), I spent my time checking out some news, you know,
especially the ones concerning a certain vampire show and an actor.
But before that, I'd like to know how I missed (again!!!) this piece of awesomeness:
GAAAAAAAAH. I refuse to believe that this is NOT naughty. Yummy fingers...Hmmmm...How smooth that peach is...Jack wants you to taste it...
...Ok, back to the news and how I reacted to some things regarding them:
- I commented on
spammed a few sites. Because I was excited!!! And because LJ was dead! D:
I laughed when I noticed a funny translation mistake on an article
about Jack's past TV roles. Yes, I am easily amused. Well, it was funny,
because it was saying Noah Bennet was engaged to Angela. HELL YEAH. I
let the mod know about this mistake and I got a, "Well, I didn't watch
even a single scene of Heroes" answer. RELEVANT? I don't think so.
- Someone asked me to describe what UNF meant,
here. I feel like I'm a bad influence on TVD fans.
- I love the fact that most of the TVD fans think Jack will play Caroline's gay dad....I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO THINK A
- Also, I wanted to bitchslap this person: "Hmmm, he seems too old to be Caroline’s father since her mom can’t be passed her 40s." UGH. Yeah, because this is how all marriages are.
I watched the first 17 episodes of TVD. Oh yes, I did. I did that like,
in under a week. LOL let's hope Jack will be in more than one episode.
Friends are telling me to expect a quick death. D: WTF. Jack Coleman's
characters should not be killed in under any circumstances! D: That
should be a written TV rule! D: Well, can't he at least stay alive for a
few episodes? Please?
"As for
Coleman, fans of the series immediately started commenting about his
casting on Twitter after it was announced this weekend. This former
co-star is one that has a following, so it will be interesting to see if
he brings in new viewers to the already popular series."
I will forever love
This drawing. UNFGH. I knew I had to make an icon as soon as I saw this awesome drawing of HRG/Clairebear. Still one of the best things I saw on Deviant Art. PURE LOVE. Well, Peter was also in the drawing, but he is not in the icon understandably...
Season one spandex. Wesley Crusher who fans love to hate since 1987. Picard and Riker and a very funny text. And me, being a huuuuuge fan of TNG. I had to have this icon.
Steven Carrington dressed up nicely, looking like a cute puppy. I LOVE HIM. Look at his hair. This is one of my fave icons even though there is nothing extraordinary about it. It's just...Jack Coleman being hot, cute and sexy. Well, D'UH.
I totally love these Life Magazine images. Jack Coleman and his Dynasty fame....signing for his creepy young fans...I guess I felt like I needed a very girly icon. I dunno, I don't even remember why I made this one. I guess I just wanted a Jack Coleman icon with animated hearts? LOL when did I need an excuse?
...and even though Youtube already have this BBC Christmas Dynasty Special , I thought Jack's part should be on Youtube too. LOL I can't believe I didn't notice how weird this whole interview was when I first watched it. Sir Terry Wogan keeps interviewing him as if Jack's REALLY Steven Carrington and I think Jack looks a bit uncomfortable, he's like; "WTF am I doing here?", what do you think? OMG pay attention to 1:30, where they talk about Steven's sexuality. Also, "slightly cheerful" Oh Jack...Too bad he doesn't sing in the end. D: